The 2006 Herald Hunt

Imagine thousands of people running around Miami looking for a bus terminal so they can tell a bum there the word “Booger”. Imagine standing on a beach, looking at a pair of giant dice while a rabbit runs around saying “What’s up Doc?” Imagine giant inflatable pool balls sitting in various locations around town, without explanation.

Weird dreams? Well, sort of. It’s what you’ll see at the Herald Hunt. The Herald Hunt is a fantastic puzzle game put on by Miami Herald masterminds Tom Shroder and Dave Barry.

I wasn’t able to go to the Herald Hunt this year, but a couple of friends of mine did. One of them, Andy Wenzel did a fantastic job documenting the Hunt this year, on his website (Why “Tropic Hunt” and not “Herald Hunt”? Tropic Hunt was the original name, until the demise of Tropic Magazine, the magazine supplement to the Miami Herald).

Be sure and check out!

Update: Andy (The Guy) Wenzel and I worked on a special write-up of The Hunt which incorporates “24” in the form of a report from Chloe. Hope you like it.