Heroes: Powerless

As you probably know, with the writer’s strike going, most fictional shows are on hold. Reality shows are still rolling along. Anyway, some shows have done “wrap ups” before going back into reruns, and one of those is Heroes. The show’s season, which they call volume 2, was cut short and ended last night.

Spoilers ahead

It was a decent episode, but a little anti-climatic in places and surprising in others. The buzz before the show was that two characters were going to die. It appeared that one of those was going to be Maya, and it looked like the whole Maya/Alejandro storyline was going to end in a very “Nikki/Paolo we were just kidding about introducing these characters” sort of way (you LOST fans will know what I’m talking about).

That wasn’t to be, since Mohinder injected her with Claire’s blood. (Side note: I like the name “Mohinder”. Not sure why. It’s just fun to say. Mohinder. MohinderMohinderMohinder…. ahem…) So, we’ll be seeing more of Crying Maya.

More random thoughts, in no particular order:

Big trouble brewing for Claire now that Sylar knows her blood heals. Noah has a nice big target on him now too, since it looks like he was the one that killed Nathan. Sylar found out that someone injected him with something that caused him to lose his powers, and he didn’t like it one bit.

It looks like Peter’s mom, Angela, is still part of “The Business” and is working with Bob. For a guy that runs something like that, he doesn’t have a lot of staff. You’d figure that a mastermind running an organization like that would have more people around. Other than his daughter. If Angela is working with “The Business”, that could explain how she was able to survive in that alternate future where 90% of the world was dead.

Nice touch with the Popeye reference at the beginning of Volume 3 when Sylar got his powers back and tested them by willing a spinach can into his hand.

Sorry to see Nathan bite the dust, but Nikki’s character was just weird… never did like her whole storyline. Her “secret power” is that she’s got a split personality and can really kick people’s butts? Maybe it’s that she had this power and her mind couldn’t handle it, so it manifested that other personality. Whatever. It was pretty annoying.

Adam will be back, and he’s going to be really ticked off when he finally shows up. If I were Hiro, I would have put him about 300 years in the past (or better yet, the future), and left him in the same Japanese cemetary. Maybe under a nuclear reactor. Or a garbage dump. Definitely not an Indian burial ground though, bad things happen when you mess around with those.