A Short Set of Season 7 of Game of Thrones Theories

SPOILERS AHEAD… Don’t read this theory until you’re all caught up…

Some brief theories about what I think we’ll see in Season 7:

One thing I think will happen for sure: One of Daenerys’ dragons is going to be killed, and the Night King will raise that thing for his own army. And the Wall? If that falls to a dragon’s breath, that’s a whole lot of water that’ll suddenly flood everything in sight.

Sometime… maybe we’ll have to wait until Season 8… Jaime is going to try to kill Cersei. Whether or not he succeeds or not is a different question. I really don’t see either of them surviving until the end.

Who do I think will sit on the Iron Throne at the end? Tyrion.

What do I hope we don’t see? An Undead Hodor. That would be terrible.