Is Jon Snow Alive?


SPOILERS AHEAD! You’ve been warned!!

Ok, still with me?

There have been sightings of the character Jon Snow on the set of “Game of Thrones” season 6. The picture in this posting was just released by HBO is of Jon Snow. Sure looks like he’s missing an eye… anyway…

I’ve held the theory that he’s still alive from the moment of his “death” last season. I’m still reading “A Dance with Dragons”, and something caught my eye that has happened in the books, but I’m not aware of it happening in the TV show. (I’m sure a commenter will correct me if I’m wrong).

I don’t think it was Jon Snow that was stabbed by those men in the Night Watch. I think it was someone else. Now, follow me on this.

The TV series has veered off from what the books do in a variety of ways, and a number of things are different. For example, Manse Rayder in the TV series dies, but in the books he’s actually been replaced with the help of Melisandre. She exchanges Manse’s appearance with Rattleshirt, and Rattleshirt is the one who dies. Manse goes off to try and get Arya.

People have been questioning why Melisandre would go back to The Wall after what happened to Stanis. Why didn’t she just run off? Did she think her fate would be better with Jon?

My guess is that she did realize that and wanted to help him. I believe that in the TV show, she casts a “glamour” on someone else to disguise them as Jon, and that’s the person who gets killed. (Just as she did for Manse in the book) Jon will emerge near the beginning of Season 6, and after a brief battle will exact justice on the men that attacked him.

Anyway, that’s my guess. We’ll have to wait until April to find out if that really happens.

Update: I finally finished “A Dance with Dragons”, and got to the point in the book where Jon died. I expected the chapter to be structured differently, given my theory about the “glamour”, but it was pretty much like the rest of the character centered chapters. The chapter ended with him not feeling the last dagger hitting him… so it’s a little tough to say how this is resolved, other than him being close to death and then revived.