LOST Theories: Who Was In The Cabin?

Spoilers ahead

Who was in that cabin that had the ash all around it?

If it was Jacob, why was he in there? Why would someone put ash around the cabin, if he was unable to be harmed by the Man in Black?

If it was The Man In Black in the cabin, it’s obvious they’d want to contain him, so it all point to him being the one stuck in that cabin.

The problem with that theory is something that was revealed in last night’s season premiere: The Man In Black is the smoke monster. We saw the smoke monster numerous times over the last few years, so the Man in Black couldn’t have been in the cabin. If he had been, the circle of ash would have kept him in there.

6 thoughts on “LOST Theories: Who Was In The Cabin?”

  1. Okay, big SPOILER ALERT here…so avoid what’s below if you don’t want to get spoiled…especially since this spoiler came from outside the show.


    Apparently on Jimmy Kimmel the other night with Damon and Carlton, they said that Locke is NOT the Man in Black.

    Could that make Richard the Man in Black? And he can recognize the smoke monster entity? I don’t think MiB can be Ricard..why would the folks at the temple want to warn him with the fireworks…nonetheless it’s interesting…

  2. In the season 5 finale, it was noted that the line of ash around the cabin had been broken. It could have been broken for a long, long time. Meaning that Smokey (MIB) could have come and gone from the cabin as he pleased.

  3. MAYBE MIB can become the smoke monster, BUT has to come from the temple/another place. Under the statue when he become smokey, he flew TO the statue and come in through the front door. Not from around the pillar where the MIB was last seen. This could account for the fact that MIB was in the cabin, but could still fly around as smokey. Then someone broke the ash line, and bingo, he gets out to kill Jacob.

  4. Actually Death’s Head, when Hurley went to the cabin and fell over, running away he broke the circle.

  5. I think that Melly is onto something, it was after Hurley ran away from the cabin that it moved, so maybe Smoke had Jacob trapped in the cabin and has been taking his place for years. When Locke first went in the cabin and heard someone say “help me” I think that was Jacob but the smoke man was the one who threw things around to stop Jacob from talking to Locke.

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