24: Live Another Day – Hour 9 recap

PREVIOUSLY ON “24” – We saw the make-shift CIA headquarters make an operating room appear out of nowhere; Kate and Jack were into trepanning – Simone, not so much; A baseball cap makes a great disguise; Jordan was paying attention in spy school; If you fly a helicopter anywhere in London no one will give it a second thought; Audrey cried….AGAIN; Completely open soccer stadiums in England with their lights on are just bait – they lay land mines in them at night; Margot and Ian were kind of surprised their plan worked; President Heller finally cracked up and went to pieces.

The following takes place between 7pm and 8pm –

7:00pm – Some needs to turn off the no smoking sign at Wembley. The Prime Minister is overcome with grief as the soccer stadium is blown up. He’s also kind of upset about The President, and gives Audrey his condolences.

At make-shift CIA headquarters, everyone’s wondering why Margot hates soccer stadiums so much. Kate explains that The President went out for a stroll, and exploded. Steve and Erik can’t believe it. Creepy Stalker Guy reports that several explosions happened off the coast of Dover, and those probably weren’t accompanied by exploding presidents.

At Margot’s House of Stadium Hate, Ian and Margot decide to send the last drone in for a nose dive, since Heller kept his word. They both think Margot’s husband (and Ian’s Dad), would have loved what they did with the drones, since he always hated soccer too.

Ian decides to play the exploding Heller tape one more time, and notices it has a YouTube logo down in the bottom of the screen! It was fake! Heller probably wasn’t there! They try and get the drone back.

HELLER IS ALIVE… or at least a remarkable facsimile of alive. Heller wants to know why he wasn’t told about this whole plan. Jack starts to explain that he WAS told the plan, like about 50 times, but he finally gave up… So he tells Heller they couldn’t risk it.

Chloe calls! All the drones are down! Yeah! Except for one… that looks like it is turning back. Boo.

Heller argues that he should have died in the first place, since he really wanted off the show. Jack says that he considers it a “good thing” that Heller didn’t die. Heller seems confused by this whole “alive” and “dead” concept.

Belachek drives up in a car, and Heller goes to try and take his take-out order. Then he asks to be driven back to the Presidential Headquarters. Jack convinces Heller to “stay dark”, so Jack can DO WANT HE DOES… and he runs off to the helicopter.

Heller tries to pull the whole “I am the American President!” ploy on Belachek, so he’ll give him a phone to call the Secret Service. Belachek tells him, A) he’s not American, B) this is not America, and C) it’s a TV show. Heller looks confused.

Jack calls Kate and asks to be patched into the Presidential Suite. Kate says she can’t do that since Jack is far away, but can probably do it with the phone call. Jack tells everyone that Heller is still alive, and everyone remarks how easy it is to hear Jack, despite him being in a noisy helicopter. Mark looks particularly happy that he won’t be looking for a new job.

Jack tells everyone listening that Margot still has a drone and is probably a little ticked off and will attack London. Audrey says that she once had ticks, but everyone ignores her. Jack goes on to explain that Heller is with one of his guys, and they’re probably out drinking somewhere while he takes care of Margot.

Kate asks Jack what he needs, and he says “man power”. Everyone breaks into a chorus of “It’s Raining Men”, but then they go back to normal. Jack tells them he’s going to take his quiet helicopter to find Margot, and that everyone needs to help Chloe as best as they can, because she’s in a bar with dial-up and a Timex Sinclair.

Kate’s worried about Jordan. Steve is MORE worried about Jordan.

7:12pm – Margot isn’t worried about Jordan at all, she’s more worried about what Ian is telling her about the drone possibly getting shot down. Ian just happens across some footage from the “24” that was shown just a few minutes ago which shows Jack talking to Heller. And a Sprint commercial, which they both agree is annoying. Ian wants to switch to AT&T and “reach out and touch someone”, namely Heller, with the last missile. Margot has a better plan… she’s going to teach Heller a lesson… in acting! No, my mistake. She wants to blow some people up. That’ll teach him!


7:17pm – Jack is taking his time flying to Margot, and gives traffic reports as Chloe tries to track where Margot is. She calls Adrian.

Adrian is sitting in his new hide out while people from Best Buy London set up all kinds of equipment behind him. Chloe asks Adrian for help tracing the signal from Margot, since she can’t triangulate it properly using the ancient bar technology she’s having to rely on. Adrian just happens to have a brand new version of hacking software, which triangulates really well. We can tell his because it draws an actual triangle on the map.

7:20 p – Chloe calls Jack and tells him that if he lands his helicopter on the dot on the triangle, she’s pretty sure that Margot will be dead because of a helicopter landing on her. Kate’s on the line too, and they’re both heading to Margot. Chloe suggests they shut off the power because that’ll make it easier to find Margot and it’ll tick her off at the same time, because no one likes losing their internet during 24.

Kate and Erik drive up, and she immediately knows this is the right place because people start shooting at her car. There’s lots of shooting, and Jack seems a little jealous that he’s not there. He tells Kate to take out a junction box that Chloe found while he lands on the roof. He hopes to land the helicopter on the roof too.

Meanwhile, the drone is headed to London, hoping to do some shooting of its own.

Jack lands the helicopter, and as a bonus gift, gets to shoot people right away.

Kate blows up the power box, and in a completely unbelievable display, the power company gets it back online within 30 seconds.

That’s just enough time for Chloe to pinpoint the exact floor, room and rental agreement of the location that Margot and Ian are in.

Margot and Ian set the target to Waterloo station. That information is relayed to everyone else, and the Prime Minister calls for an immediate evacuation, because if people don’t get out of there and they see that drone missile headed their way, there are going to be many immediate evacuations.

Back at the building where Margot is hiding out, Jack searches for other ways in, while Kate and Erik shoot as many people as possible.

The room where Margot and Ian are hiding out has really great glass because they appear not to have heard any of the shooting or explosions outside. Ian says now would be a great time to get away, since the drone is locked in. Margot really wants to stay, just in case the drone reboots or something. Ian thinks it would be a great time to become like a shepard and get the flock out of there, but after Margot pulls a gun on him, he decides to not get the flock out of there. Margot gives Ian a creepy hug.

On the roof, Jack pulls some electrical cable and ties it to a railing, because he’s always wanted to go wall climbing in London. Meanwhile, the CIA guys with armor get shot down in a hallway by some of Margot’s guys, while Kate, wearing no armor, doesn’t get close to getting shot.

Jack repels off the building, going “hut hut hut” all the way to the room where Margot is. He can tell that’s where Margot is because she finally hears a noise, and notices Jack dangling outside the window. Ian shoots the windows out, and foolishly goes to check to see what happened to Jack. Jack grabs Ian, and pulls him outside so Ian can get a better look at the ground, up close and personal. Ian takes this to an extreme and splats on the ground.

Jack climbs into the room. Margot, for some reason, has already put her gun back in her purse and can’t get it out in time, so Jack shoots her… for being a terrorist AND for being stupid. The missile fires!

Chloe tells Jack what to do on the computer while he holds Margot in one hand, and types in commands with the other. He grabs Ian’s video game joystick and diverts the missile to the water. The missile explodes exactly like the one at Wembley except with less dirt and more water. There are going to be a lot of swimmers that are angry about the hole in the water that’s….wait… never mind.

At the presidential suite, they realize Jack saved the people at Waterloo station, and start applauding, even though Jack isn’t there to hear it.

At Margot’s Hideout of Failed Drone Attacks, she tells Jack that literally tens of people got hurt because of him, with hangnails, and everything. Jack doesn’t take this very kindly, and decides to give Margot a flying lesson out the window, just like Ian’s flying lesson. It ends the same way, and it’s very messy.


7:33 pm – Belachek drives Heller back to the Presidential Headquarters, comparing his name to Madonna and Cher. Only as a guy.

The Prime Minister, Mark and Audrey all congratulate Heller on not dying and on ending the show about two and half hours earlier than anyone expected.

Jack is gathering up the equipment and wants to have the override device that Ian was using analyzed. Oh, and Margot and Ian are dead. Like dead, dead. Not like Heller “dead”.

Kate and Jack exchange a meaningful, “Wow, isn’t it great shooting people?” glances as Jack leaves and Kate gets a phone call.

It’s one of the policemen Kate works with “in the field”. He says, “I’m standing next to two bodies, and I think one of them is yours”. Kate’s pretty sure it’s not her body, since she’s standing in it right at that moment, so it must be someone else. She asks how the guy knows it’s someone from the CIA, and he says “he’s got CIA tattooed on the back of the neck”, just like the clergy do with their diocese in England. Also state credentials in his pocket, which is a dead giveaway. Much like Jordan, who is identified as the dead guy. Kate’s shaken up by this. Erik can’t believe it either.

Kate calls Steve and he acts surprised that Jordan is dead! And REALLY surprised that The Cleaner’s body is there too. People around him want to know what’s going on, but Steve acts strangely as he moves away. Steve immediately goes to a cabinet in his glass-enclosed office, takes out a phone in full view of everyone, which if they happened to be looking at him after he acted so strangely, they would have seen… but of course no one sees it.

Steve calls Adrian in a panic, and asks Adrian for help getting out of there. All Adrian wants is the override the device. Steve just has to figure out a way to get it out of there.


7:44 pm – Jack is having a good time flying the helicopter, while Erik and Kate have a much less good time identifying Jordan’s body. Using their powers of deduction, the policeman, Kate and Erik decide Jordan and unidentified guy killed each other. They’re pretty sure because of all the bullet holes, blood and wrench impressions in heads. Kate asks for Erik’s phone because he has a fingerprint-checking app on it, and she wants to know who the heck this unidentified guy is.

Chloe steps outside of the bar and receives a call from Jack. Jack wants her to look at the override device, but she refuses, and tells Jack goodbye. A car drives up, and proving that too much black makeup can do bad things to your brain, she gets in with Adrian, who thanks her for giving him a second chance.

7:46 pm – At make-shift CIA headquarters, Jack arrives with the device. Steve nervously looks on while the device is taken to a different room. Jack learns of Jordan’s death and thinks this is really weird, even for 24. Jack calls Kate who sends Jack the fingerprint scan. Steve feebly tries to dissuade Jack from sending the fingerprints to someone who can figure out who the dead body used to be, but Jack isn’t buying it. Steve looks REALLY nervous.


7:53 pm – Jack talks to his contact back in Washington, who still hasn’t figured out who the guy is. He’s even searching Facebook and Twitter. He says he’ll call Jack as soon as he knows who the guy is.

The analyst who’s been looking at the device is so good that he doesn’t even have to touch the thing to realize it can break into any defense system, and it isn’t just for drones. Jack wonders if that was really the case, why didn’t Margot use it to control nuclear weapons. He’s about to say something about that when he gets a phone call from Audrey. Jack leaves Steve alone with the analyst. Audrey wants to talk about how grateful she is that her crying cat collection is safe. Oh, and she’s happy about her dad too. Jack receives a life-saving phone call, and is able to hang up on Audrey, because it’s his contact back in Washington. He goes off to take the call and hangs up on her.

Steve, meanwhile, decides to give the analyst a very unwanted hug around the throat, making him pass out. No one notices this, even though there are windows all around. Steve takes the device.

Jack’s contact tells Jack that the dead guy is really working for Steve Navarro. Jack goes after him.

Steve leaves the building and Jack follows. Steve very stupidly starts shooting at Jack, and we know it’s serious because they start using colored green lights everywhere while they chase each other. Steve’s a remarkably good runner for someone in dress shoes, and he outruns Jack.

Elsewhere, Chloe gets out of Adrian’s car at a gas station, probably to go to the little developer’s room. Adrian takes the opportunity to call Steve, who wants to know what Adrian wants to do with the secret “control any defense system” device. They plan to meet at a place nearby.

Chloe gets back into the car and KISSES ADRIAN. Thousands of heads of “24” fans all over the country explode. Adrian and Chloe drive off.