Pepsi in a glass bottle

For the first time in I don’t know how many years, I was actually able to purchase Pepsi in a glass bottle! The bottle I had at lunch. It was bottled in, and imported from Mexico.

Is there any place in the US that actually distributes Pepsi in a bottle?

11 thoughts on “Pepsi in a glass bottle”

  1. – 14k

    the above link might answer your question. I think I share some of your nostalgia. Hope this is helpful!

  2. I bought some of this Mexican Pepsi in a glass bottle. I forgot how good it tasted. So much better in Glass than cans or plastic. I think my State should pass a law under the guise of “helping the environment” to require Soda in Glass Bottles again.(I’m going to write my State Representatives). They are way more recyclable and so much healthier, and taste so much better!

  3. I miss the days of ice cold Pepsi in the long neck 16oz bottles. (NONE of that Mexican stuff). The taste was so clean and refreshing, it reminds me of being young in the good ol’ summertime.

    1. I grew up drinking Pepsi 16oz glass bottles purchased from a small corner store named Irving’s on Sacramento Street in San Francisco. Man was that ever good on a warm day. Sometimes Irving would drop a dozen or so bottles in a bucket of ice…when it’s ice cold, it’s heaven!

  4. I saw the new glass 12-ounce glass bottles at my local Wal-Mart. They have a new shape as well (when i looked at the ingredients) as going back to sugar, instead of High Fructose corn syrup. I don’t know if this means they used sugar cane by simply saying sugar on it, but I hope this means that glass is making a come back. Plastic is filling up our landfills and as far as I know….glass is safer (all cuts aside). It came in a 4 pack and starting in April all the new shapes (bottles) are out, but I would like to know how to get ahold of a 24-pack.

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