Battlestar Galactica – The Oath

spoilers ahead
Good show tonight – more action, less hand wringing than usual. I still don’t care for that whole “worship” cult Baltar has going… not sure he does either.

Really not sure how things will really resolve, but I was surprised to see that the president was able to escape (they really need to stop showing previews that ruin the suspense of the cliff-hangers they just broadcast). Plus they let something slip during that preview that is a big deal… if it’s true.

Until I saw that preview, I was pretty sure the president’s transport was going to get shot down by the fighter Felix sent after her.

Ah, well… it’ll be interesting to see who actually survives this. Felix is a goner, Zerak too, I think.

What did you think?

9 thoughts on “Battlestar Galactica – The Oath”

  1. Mom thinks Felix might be growing a new leg — possibly making him that missing skinjob cylon… I think that’s funny.

    More importantly, did anyone catch that Kara gem when she says she remembers dying?

  2. Kali, yeah! Now that you mention it, I remember that too. That fits in with my theory that Starbuck is a cylon…. Dead on the planet and redownloaded into a new body.

    OR….. Maybe that whole scene on Earth was planted by Cavil and the rest of the cylons.

    Still not convinced Felix is a cylon. I think he’s just reeeeeeeally ticked off.

  3. I am rather curious as to the “missing” cylon model. Are they boxed? All dead? But I don’t know if that particular question will ever be resolved.

    And I totally agree with you, Steve, about the promos ruining upcoming surprises.

  4. If you mean Ellen Tigh, I think she’s a one-off model, meaning that she was the only one.

    What I was saying is that Starbuck is yet another Cylon model.

  5. No, not Ellen. Ellen is part of the Final Five.

    There are 7 humanoid cylon models.

    Number 1 — Cavil
    Number 2 — Leoben
    Number 3 — D’Anna
    Number 4 — Simon
    Number 5 — Aaron Doral
    Number 6 — Baltar’s head girl, Gina . . . Tricia in a variety of sexy roles & fabulous dresses
    Number 8 — Sharons (Boomer, Athena)

    We know 6 of those models. One is missing (Model #7) but the nature of its absence has never been explained — are they boxed, destroyed?

  6. No, not Ellen. She’s one of the Final Five.

    There are 7 humanoid cylon models. We know 6 of them.

    Number 1 – Cavil
    Number 2 – Leoben
    Number 3 – D’Anna
    Number 4 – Simon
    Number 5 – Aaron Doral
    Number 6 – Gina, Natalie, Baltar’s head toy
    Number 8 – Sharon, Boomer, Athena

  7. So, you’re saying model #7 is missing. You listed 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 (which is 7 models) and the last 5, which makes 12.

  8. Exactly. We’ve never been shown the Model 7. The hybrid makes a veiled reference, “The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin, but in time, it is sin that will consume them.” But no clues as to why there isn’t a 7 now.

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