Great episode tonight!
Harris buys it in a very appropriate way, Nina Sharp appears to have been assassinated, and Walter walks off with The Observer! Crazy!
Anyway, back to the main story for a minute – I think it’s pretty clear that the organization (ZTF or not) that’s doing this has been doing two things: 1) Experimenting on new weapons and 2) Making people into weapons. Sometimes two in one, like in tonight’s episode.
I liked the storyline on pyrokinesis and not being able to control it. Much better than last episode. Those blood and guts things… Gah! I thought it was pretty great that the girl turned the tables on Harris at the end, when it looked like he was going to let her explode.
Never did like that guy.
Another thing I didn’t like was the sound recording from the broken glass… Really?
Now, the question is – Was he the only one in the FBI working for ZTF? I’ve always had questions about Charlie… could he be involved too?
OK, back to the big, big question… Walter seemed to not be incredibly surprised by The Observer’s appearance. We know they’ve met before, and if I recall correctly, The Observer saved Peter from drowning. Could there have been an agreement made back when that happened? Save Peter, and at some later date Walter would have to go and do something with The Observer? Sure sounds like it to me. (Maybe this was all spelled out earlier, but I don’t remember this, so please let me know in the comments section).
What did you think of tonight’s show?
I’m not so sure Nina is dead – I think she was drugged, and it looked as if it was the Observer who did it. It certainly looked like his eyes.
I liked the sound recording from the glass – glass is a liquid, anyway (a very, very slow flowing one, but a liquid nonetheless) and it made sense to me. Either way, nice to know what Peter’s contraption is for.
Walter’s memory lapses bother me – he seems to recall things readily enough when the plot needs him to, but likewise forgets things when the plot requires a bit of subterfuge.
Until I saw that Leonard Nimoy appears next week as the mysterious William Bennet (? name?, suddenly I’m not so sure I got the name right), I wondered if Walter were the same person. I noted that both Walter and the other guy share the same initials (W B), and if Walter were really the other guy, that could explain why his typewriter had typed the manifesto.
So, now I’m back to being confused. I liked this episode a lot.
I agree that Nina is not dead, merely drugged.
I, too, thought the glass think was a bit contrived as a plot device, but decided to just go with it (as if that’s the ONLY thing in this show that is unrealistic).
I’m glad Harris is gone…he infuriated me (I’ve worked for people like him).
And, yes, Walter’s memory is a little too convenient to the plot, but what am I going to do.
Overall, the show works, and I loved this latest episode.