Welcome, listeners of The Instance podcast!
RandyDeluxe just posted a link here, and I wanted to let you folks know that you are indeed in the right place.
For those of you who don’t have ANY idea what I’m talking about, The Instance is THE top World of Warcraft podcast around. If you play that game, and you’ve never heard of The Instance, you owe it to yourself to listen. Get yourself over to iTunes, and download the latest episode! Scott and Randy do an excellent job, week after week.
They play fan-contributed segments at the end of the show, and I’m one of the folks that contributes. The segment is called “Ask Buxley“. It’s a lot of fun, but probably completely incomprehensible to those of you who don’t play World of Warcraft (in much the same way my “24” write-up make no sense to those of you who aren’t “24” fans!).
Anyway, if you’re new here, take a look around. I’ve had this blog for quite some time now, and there are a lot of postings in the archives for fans of LOST especially. If you’re looking for some crazy “24” stuff, there’s a lot of that too, including the “24 – Two Days Later” parody I was posting on Dave Barry’s blog, the last time “24” went on hiatus.
Again, Welcome!