Spoilers Ahead
This week I have to say, I’m pretty sure I saw The Observer…
Now that that’s out of the way…
There was so much going on in tonight’s show that I think it’s going to require another look. We see that 1) Olivia was part of a experiment that happened when she was 3 (or so); 2) Walter was apparently the author of the book that Jones has taken to be his manifesto; (which explains Jones’ reaction to Walter) 3) There are parallel universes, and one of them is on a collision course with ours; 4) Olivia might have creepy mind powers, or at least can do a cool new trick that will her win a lot of bar bets.
Sure looks to me they pretty much spelled out that The Observer might be from a parallel universe, sent to scout out what’s going on in ours.
So, what’s Jones up to? Trying to test technological weapons as best as he can, to use against the beings in this parallel world? If Jones wasn’t dying, the way we all thought he was, what DID happen to him? Can he teleport at will now? Is that what happened to that hospital room?
So many questions… I’m going to have to watch that episode again…