24 – The Next Day – 4 pm to 5 pm

Last Time:

Ex-President Manilow auditioned for a role on a TV show, but was turned down because he didn’t make a convincing enough President. RoboEdgar ate a giant crop circle into a cornfield, and is now flying with Chloe to San Francisco to meet Jack and Curtis. Audrey has been kidnapped again, and is currently duct-taped and roped to the side of the Golden Gate Bridge. The kidnappers have giant speakers duct-taped to the bridge and a microphone duct-taped to Audrey’s mouth, and are threatening to turn on the speakers to destroy San Francisco unless they get their ransom.

4:00 pm – Jack tells Curtis that the person with the ransom demand must be close to where they are, because they knew who and when to call. Curtis tells Jack that he really needs to get a new unlisted phone number. Jack tells him that he’s locked into his current rate plan, and that it’ll cost a lot of money to get out of the contract. A man comes up to them and tries to interrupt them. Curtis suggests that Jack just pay the fee, and start with a new contract and a new carrier. The man says “Excuse me!” Jack says that he really likes his JackPhone. Frustrated, the man yells at them and asks if they know anything about the woman up on the bridge. Jack says, “Oh, right!” Curtis and Jack start climbing up the hill towards one end up the bridge.

4:03 pm – Traffic is non-existent on the bridge, but there are a lot of people on the other end, and they’re headed towards Jack and Curtis. The people are carrying a sign that says, “San Francisco Kumbaya Art Festival”. Jack is looking all around, trying to figure out where the ransom caller is hiding. Jack looks farther up the steel beams, and sees someone. Jack says, “It’s Marwan!” Curtis tells Jack that Marwan can’t be up there, because he’s dead. Jack agrees with Curtis that Marwan did die, but says this is probably a form of dead that they were previously unfamiliar with. Marwan swings down onto the ledge near Audrey, but hides behind a beam.

4:05 pm – Marwan is making his way around the cabling above Audrey, who is desperately trying to chew her way through the duct-tape. Jack pulls out his gun and points it towards Marwan. Curtis tells Jack that if he shoot Marwan, he better shoot him in the thigh, because if he doesn’t, no one will believe that Marwan was really alive. Everyone will think that he and Jack just dug up Marwan and were using him for target practice. Jack agrees that not only is this plausible enough for people to believe that, it’s also one heck of a good idea and wishes that Curtis had mentioned this idea before.

4:07 pm – Curtis tells Jack that he better be quick because the crowd is almost where Audrey is, and if they hit a civilian, they’ll be lots of questions, paperwork, notes of apology, etc. Jack tells Curtis that he can make the shot, and shoots! We hear a loud “KaChing!” Marwan just laughs. Marwan yells, “Protective thigh armor, Mr. Bauer!” and swings over the edge, just as the people approach the middle of the bridge.

4:09 pm – Jack and Curtis run to where Audrey is duct-taped. As they’re running, a woman at the front of the parade, stops at Audrey, loudly announces “Congratulations! You’ve won Second Place in the Performance Art category in this year’s festival!”, and slaps a ribbon on top of Audrey’s head. This jars some of the duct-tape that had been holding Audrey to the bridge, loosening both of her head and hands…but not her feet. Audrey swings down, and is now facing head down, towards the water, feet hanging from ropes that are duct-taped to the bridge. Audrey looks a bit surprised and unhappy at this turn of events. Marwan can’t be seen. Jack reaches the edge of the bridge, and starts to climb down to reach Audrey, despite Curtis’s pleas not to go down there.


4:13 pm – Jack reaches Audrey, and tells her that everything is going to be OK. Audrey’s really screaming now, but it’s pretty muffled by the duct tape. She’s nodding her head towards Jack. Jack tells her to stop moving around so much, and to quit ticking. Jack stops and thinks about this for a second, realizing that of all the noises he’s ever heard Audrey make, ticking was not one of them.

4:14 pm – Jack turns his head in the direction of the noise, and sees a bomb that’s been duct-taped under the bridge, just out of reach. The bomb is labeled “Bauer-Away! Get rid of the pesky Bauers in your life.” It has a note that says “Goodbye, Mr. Bauer”.

4:15 pm – Jack swings to the beam, takes out a knife and cuts the bomb loose from the bridge. It falls into the water and explodes.

4:16 pm – Jack swings back to Audrey, grabs her, and starts to climb up. When they reach the top, the people in the parade applaud, and the woman that gave Audrey second place comes up to Jack and hands him the first place ribbon, apologizing for not waiting until the end of the performance. Police cars arrive.

4:18 pm – Curtis says that something is wrong with Audrey, and Jack realizes that Curtis is right. Audrey isn’t making any sort of noise whatsoever. She just has a wide-eyed shocked look on her face. Jack calls Bill, and lets him know what happened, and Audrey’s current state. Bill congratulates Jack for finally figuring out how to shut Audrey up.

4:19 pm – Several ambulances arrive. Two men get out of one of them. It’s the two drivers that had previously tried to take Audrey to the hospital. They take one look at her, and run back to the ambulance and drive away. A couple of the other medics arrive, put Audrey on a gurney, and put her in the ambulance. They drive away. Just as Curtis is congratulating Jack, they hear a huge explosion to the south. Jack flashes his CTU ID to one of the police officers. The officer says that he loves the show, and tells him to take the car. Jack looks at Curtis and Curtis shrugs. They jump into the car, headed to the sound of the explosion.


4:24 pm – Hollywood is on the phone, arguing with Janosz. Hollywood is really mad that with all the effort they’ve made today, Jack is still alive, AND they have Marwan running loose on the streets. Hollywood tells Janosz, that he better find a good way to control Marwan, because he’s afraid that Marwan is just crazy enough to get Jack AND the rest of them. Janosz says he has just the plan to get Marwan AND Jack, and tells Hollywood that he’s headed for Golden Gate Park.

4:25 pm – Jack and Curtis arrive at a tourist area, just outside some kind of chocolate store. People are running and screaming in every direction. As they get out of the car, they see Chloe emerge from the building. She sees Jack and she tells him that RoboEdgar is inside, and that it’s all her fault. While they were traveling back to the West Coast, she said something about wanting a piece of chocolate, and RoboEdgar headed straight for Ghirardelli Square. Jack tells Curtis to go inside, find RoboEdgar. He tells Curtis he wants RoboEdgar to fly back to CTU and wait for further instructions.

4:28 pm – Bill calls Jack tells him that the “KaChing” noise that Marwan’s thigh armor made is manufactured in the China Town area of San Francisco, and the “KaChing Thigh Armor Emporium”. Curtis returns to tell Jack that RoboEdgar is in no mood to go back to CTU, and that he wants to stay with Chloe. Chloe goes back to talk to RoboEdgar, who for some reason is signing autographs for people who are a lot less hysterical than they were a few minutes ago. Chloe convinces RoboEdgar to fly slowly behind the car that Jack is driving. They head to China Town.


4:31 pm – Janosz arrives at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. He finds a secluded area, and pulls out three stones from his pocket which he puts into a triangle, and starts casting a magic spell, asking for help in getting rid of Jack Bauer, and getting Marwan under control.

4:34 pm – Jack, Chloe and Curtis feel a really strong rumbling noise. Jack thinks it might have been RoboEdgar screwing around, and tells Chloe to tell him to stop doing that. Chloe leans out the window to yell at RoboEdgar.

4:35 pm – As they head for China Town, Jack tells Chloe that he’s been noticing something really weird going on, and that people have started to recognize him. Curtis said that the same thing is happening to him. Chloe says she noticed the same thing about RoboEdgar, and that someone had asked her to “not taser him”. Jack tells Chloe to connect to the computers at CTU, and see if she can figure what’s going on.

4:37 pm – Another rumbling noise, and they all turn to look at RoboEdgar, which was probably a bad idea, because Jack was driving. Fortunately, Jack doesn’t hit anyone.

4:39 pm – The car arrives at the KaChing Thigh Armor Emporium. Chloe asks Edgar to wait outside, and not get into any trouble. Curtis and Jack go inside, while Chloe uses a laptop computer inside the police car to connect to CTU.


4:44 pm – Jack speaks with, Ching KaChing, the owner. Another, stronger tremor hits, and Ching says that it’s nothing to worry about since earthquake tremors happen in San Francisco all the time. Jack questions her about the orders for thigh armor they get. She explains that there are quite a few orders from all over the country, with a surge of them on Tuesday mornings for some reason. Curtis asks if there are any good Sushi restaurants in the area, and Ching tells him that this is CHINA town, not JAPAN town.

4:47 pm – Jack asks if Ching has filled any “strange” orders lately. Ching says that they get a lot of strange orders in this town, but the weirdest lately was a request for armor for “Prince Vigo the Carpathian” from someone named Janosz Poha. An even stronger tremor hits, knocking over a few thigh armor displays. Ching looks a little concerned.

4:50 pm – Chloe runs into the store, and tells Jack she found something. She said that the computers at CTU didn’t show up anything at all, but that something really weird was happening down in Los Angeles on one of the television studios.


4:56 pm – There’s a loud crash outside. Jack tells Chloe that RoboEdgar must have seen a restaurant, and they better go get him before he causes more damage. Curtis yells, “GODZILLA!” Ching hits him in the shoulder, and tells him that not only is Godzilla, again a JAPANESE monster, but saying stuff like this is not the least bit funny. Curtis is shakes his head and points out the window. The only thing you can see out the window is a giant foot where their police car used to be.

4:57 pm – Jack receives a phone call from Bill, who says that they’ve traced some kind of massive disturbance which appears to have started around the Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park, and is currently somewhere in China Town. Jack tells Bill, “Thanks for the tip”, and hangs up.

4:58 pm – Jack, Curtis, Chloe and Ching all run outside. It’s Godzilla, all right. Ching takes one look at the monster, tells the rest of the group that it’s been nice meeting them, but that she has to go. She runs back inside, slams the door shut, and shutters the windows.

4:59 pm – Many of the buildings on the street are destroyed, and people are, in general, freaking out. Curtis and Jack both take aim at Godzilla and fire their guns, but it has no effect.

5:00 pm – Time’s up!

24 – The Next Day – 3 pm to 4 pm

OK… Word of warning this time. Some of the references in here will make no sense to you if you haven’t been paying attention to Dave Barry’s blog.

Come to think of it, some of this might not make sense even if you were paying attention to Dave’s blog.

….Well, anyway, here goes….

Last Time:

Chloe disabled RoboEdgar by feeding him a granola bar. Through some tricky maneuvering, Cheney Looking Guy (CLG) was able to get Wayne Palmer, President Allstate’s brother, installed as president. Jack discovered his Amish heritage. RoboEdgar reveals that everything that has been happening today has been a plot to kill Jack. Jack receives a call and finds out that Audrey was kidnapped and is being held hostage (again). Jack and Curtis are trying to make their way back to California, while Chloe stays behind to repair RoboEdgar.

The following was scheduled to have happened between 3 pm and 4 pm, but was nearly delayed because the flight from New York was late. Fortunately, they’ve arrived on schedule, so please put your tray tables in an upright and locked position.

3:00 pm – Jack calls Bill to let him know that Audrey has been kidnapped. Bill says he knows, and that it’s Jack’s big chance to get out of the relationship. Jack ignores this and tells Bill to send out a team of experts to try and find out which group has taken Audrey.

3:03 pm – Bill quickly assembles some of the cleaning crew and gives them strict instructions to try and find Audrey.

3:04 pm – Jack and Curtis arrive at Curtis’ modified Harrier Jet. Jack says that it’ll be good to fly on the inside for once, since he spent most of the time hanging on for dear life to RoboEdgar while they crossed the United States. Curtis said that he had no idea that Jack was that close to RoboEdgar. Jack tries to elbow him in the face, but misses when Curtis ducks! Curtis tells Jack, “You see there? You can fool me once with…” and Jack hits Curtis with his other elbow.

3:06 pm – Marwan tells the henchmen with him that he’s very unimpressed with the choice of kidnapping victims, since no one seems to want to pick her up. Janosz is standing behind Marwan, and tells the henchmen, “Don’t make Vigo angry!” Marwan looks at Janosz and shrugs when he doesn’t understand what the heck Janosz is talking about. Marwan tells the henchmen they need to continue with the plan, and they lead Audrey into the back room.

3:09 pm – Chloe is trying to explain to RoboEdgar that he died, but RoboEdgar doesn’t quite understand what Chloe is talking about. He keeps insisting that he needs to eat. Chloe does a couple of tests and she realizes that RoboEdgar needs to keep eating in order to remain powered. She asks Jonah, the “Amish” doctor that helped Jack where there is a source of food that can help RoboEdgar while she tries to figure out what to do to fix this problem. Jonah points to a cornfield and says that’s the nearest food supply. Chloe leads RoboEdgar to the corn field and tells him he can eat some of the corn, not ALL of the corn, and if he sees any children in that cornfield get out of there RIGHT AWAY. RoboEdgar goes into the cornfield.


3:14 pm – On a hunch, the cleaning crew investigating Audrey’s kidnapping stop in on an animal shelter to see if someone has given Audrey up for adoption. They leave after they realize the howling they heard was not Audrey.

3:16 pm – Curtis and Jack are now flying at hypersonic speeds back towards California. Curtis says that he’s in no mood for any more of Jack’s punches, and Jack tells Curtis that he’s sorry, but he’s had a tough couple of days. Curtis says that he’s not surprised since Audrey is involved, but Jack doesn’t notice.

3:18 pm – Manilow is wandering the streets, very depressed that he’s no longer President. He tells himself that he’s going to need a job, and probably go undercover in order to not be arrested for everything that happened during the last day. He also says to himself that it would probably be a good idea anyway, since Mrs. Manilow is probably after him too. A panhandler on the street overhears all this, and presses five dollars into Manilow’s hands saying that he’s heard a lot of stories, but this was the most depressing.

3:23 pm – Chloe is still waiting for RoboEdgar to come out of the field. We can see that cornstalks are flying up in the air at an alarming rate while RoboEdgar eats.

3:24 pm – Bill calls Jack, and tells him there’s a strange disturbance north of San Francisco. Bill says he’s trying to get the details, but he’s not sure what it is. Jack tells him it’s a big city on the west coast, but what’s really important is finding out what the strange disturbance is.

3:25 pm – Johan tries to make small talk with Chloe. Johan tells Chloe that she’d probably like living in the Midwest, and then leans in closer to tell her to tell her something. Instinctively, Chloe pulls her taser out of her purse and zaps him.


3:31 pm – Manilow is still wandering the streets when he sees a poster that lists times for auditions for a television show….as President of the United States! Manilow decides that maybe hiding out from everyone isn’t the best idea in the world, and decides to try for the audition. He checks the address and spends a couple of minutes trying to stop people to ask them if they know where the address is. Someone finally stops and points out that the address he’s looking for is where he is right now. The auditions are happening right now, in the building that he’s standing in front of. He walks in.

3:35 pm – Jack and Curtis fly into California on the hypersonic jet, and moments later land the plane. They’re in a parking lot across the street where there’s a huge disturbance at some kind of store. It’s completely mobbed. As they approach, Jack hears a lady say something about seeing a head on a stick. Jack immediately yells, “EVERYONE GET DOWN!” People immediately start trying to dance, and Curtis says if they don’t stop dancing like that, they’ll be arrested. Jack yells that he’s from CTU, and that everyone needs to get down on the ground immediately. He yells to Curtis to set up a perimeter, and Curtis looks happy to do so. Jack enters the building, rushing past a door that says “Book signing”.

3:38 pm – Curtis is doing his best to create a perimeter while people in the crowd ask if he’s someone famous, and asks for his autograph. Several minutes go by. Jack walks out of the book store. He looks completely bewildered. Curtis asks Jack what happened, and Jack explains that there is no terrorist activity going on, but he’s having a hard time trying to figure out what really was going on. Jack says that when he went inside, he saw a crowd of people listening to two men. One of them had a green hat, and the other had a robe with a hood. They were reading from a book. Jack goes on to explain that as soon as he interrupted what was going on and announced “I’m Jack Bauer with CTU!”, everyone immediately went into Flank Two Position. Curtis looks very alarmed by this.

3:42 pm – Jack goes on to explain that several people came up to him and wanted his autograph, and that they loved to watch “his show”. Curtis asks, “What show?” Jack just shakes his head and says he has no idea. Curtis asks, “What about the head on the stick?” Jack says that he saw someone carrying a stick with the picture of a woman’s head on it, and that’s when he left. Curtis tells Jack that someone asked for his autograph too. Jack says that the crowd told them something about “strumpeting”. Jack tells Curtis that something really weird is going on, and they head back to the jet.

3:45 pm – Jack calls Bill. Jack asks if there’s been some sort of leak at CTU. Bill says that he’ll check the plumbing again. Jack rolls his eyes and says that he means an identity leak. Bill doesn’t think there has been, and Jack informs Bill that somehow people at a book signing knew who he was. An assistant comes up to Bill and hands him a slip of paper. Bill says he’ll call Jack back as soon as he can, and hangs up.


3:50 pm – Manilow leaves the audition, completely crushed that he wasn’t a convincing enough President of the United States.

3:51 pm – Chloe profusely apologies to Johan for tasering him, saying that it was just a reflex that she has. Johan explains that all he wanted to do was to tell Chloe that she should buy a house out in the Midwest. Chloe takes a step back and puts her hand on her taser again. Johan quickly explains that he meant because everything is much cheaper in the Midwest. Chloe asks what he means by this, and he tells her that they have prices for “outsiders” and different, cheaper, prices for people here in the Midwest. Chloe says something about how that explains the gas station attendant’s comments when they filled up the Jet. The way they’re able to do this it to make everyone believe that nothing is happening in the Midwest, and no one ever checks. Chloe says that she agrees that nothing IS going on in the Midwest, and Johan says she’s catching on. Just as he says this, RoboEdgar emerges from the corn field, and says “Alton Glowie”. Johan looks perplexed, and Chloe says, “He said, ‘All done, Chloe.’”

3:54 pm – Bill calls Jack and tells him that they just received a message from the kidnappers. They have to get to the Golden Gate Bridge as soon as they can, and that they’ll need to bring Chloe. Jack says that Chloe isn’t with them. Jack hangs up and calls Chloe. He tells her that they need her right away. Jack and Curtis jump in the jet and take off.

3:56 pm – Chloe tells RoboEdgar that they need to get to Jack right away. RoboEdgar tells her that he’ll carry her there. Chloe does not like this one bit, but finally agrees. Chloe puts her arms around RoboEdgar’s neck, and RoboEdgar blasts off. As they leave, we see the field that RoboEdgar was just in. There’s a huge crop circle in the middle of it.

3:58 pm – Jack and Curtis arrive at the Golden Gate Bridge, but don’t see anything. Jack’s phone rings. The voice on the other end, says “Mr. Bauer. You must deliver the sum of 10 million dollars to our Swiss bank account by 5 pm today, or San Francisco will suffer the consequences.”

3:59 Jack asks what “consequences”. The voice says, “If the money isn’t delivered, a sound wave so terrible will be unleashed at it will destroy everything in San Francisco”. Jack says he’ll need some proof. The voice says, “I direct your attention to the center of the bridge”. Jack pulls out a small set of binoculars from his JackSack, and looks through them. We see that Audrey has been strapped the bridge, between a huge set of speakers. A microphone is duct-taped to Audrey’s mouth. The voice on the phone says, “Yes, Mr. Bauer, unless the money is delivered, I’m going to turn on that microphone”.

4:00 pm – Time’s up!

24 – The Next Day: 2pm to 3pm

Last Time:

The Hollywood-Looking head terrorist has enlisted the aid of Janosz, who specializes trying to bring back madmen back from the grave. Janosz has been successful in bringing back Marwan from the dead. Manilow has unsuccessfully tried to warn acting-president Aaron about the plot in order to save his own reputation, only to find that Hollywood has been behind the whole thing. A couple of brave people tried to get Audrey to a hospital, only to crash their ambulance. Audrey is now wandering the streets of Hollywood. Chloe and Curtis traveled to the Midwest in search of Jack. Jack was taken to a doctor by a man and woman that appeared to be an Amish couple. As Chloe and Curtis catch up with Jack, RoboEdgar lands near them. Jack has ordered the members of the Lawn Rangers to surround the group as they prepare for RoboEdgar’s attack.

The following happened between 2 pm and 3 pm, and we were stuck behind someone writing a check, so we might have missed something when we switched to a shorter line.

2:00 pm – The Yoders and the doctor, Johan, run out of the house after Jack, just as Jack tells Chloe and Curtis to get down on the ground. RoboEdgar could start firing his guns at any moment. Chloe tells Jack that she has an idea. She pulls something out of her purse and pushes her way past the Lawn Rangers and starts walking slowly to RoboEdgar. Jack hits the dirt. Curtis says, “Oh, yeah, this will end well” and Curtis hits the dirt too. Jack calls to Chloe to try and get her to come back.

2:01 pm – Chloe holds her hands up over her head as she tried to talk to RoboEdgar. Chloe says, “Edgar! It’s me! Chloe!” RoboEdgar stops, and tilts his head in very much the same way a dog does when it’s trying to understand you. Well, very much the same way, if the dog weighed about two thousand pounds and was completely covered in metal. Chloe gets closer to RoboEdgar, and holds out what she grabbed from her purse and tries to give it to him. Curtis says that it’s that candy bar that Chloe bought at the gas station when they refueled. Jack is yelling at Chloe now, and tells her that feeding RoboEdgar is exactly the wrong thing to do. Chloe turns around and tells Jack that she knows what she’s doing. One of RoboEdgar’s guns changes back into a hand, and he grabs the candy bar out of her hand and pushes her to the ground.

2:03 pm – RoboEdgar eats the whole candy bar and takes two steps towards Jack. The Lawn Rangers all switch their mowers to mulch as they prepare for the attack. RoboEdgar suddenly stops. We see his eye roll upward, and he falls over backward. Chloe moves out of the way just in time.

2:04 pm – Everything is really quiet. Chloe stands up and tells Jack that he should have believed her. Jack asks what was in the candy bar. Chloe tells him that it wasn’t a candy bar; it was a granola bar. The health food was something completely foreign to RoboEdgar and when he consumed it, it made his system go haywire.

2:06 pm – Hollywood-looking terrorist guy gets a phone call. It’s Manilow again. He tells the Hollywood that he’s got really good news. Hollywood asks if Jack Bauer is dead yet. Manilow says no, but he did save a lot of money on his car insurance. Hollywood hangs up the phone. He turns to Janosz, and tells him that he needs to go after Marwan to help him with the secondary plan. Janosz doesn’t seem to understand who this Marwan guy is. Hollywood patiently explains this to him, and Janosz says “Oh! You mean Vigo!” Hollywood says “Yeah, sure, whatever” and Janosz leaves, humming the theme from Ghostbusters.


2:11 – Chloe bends down to look at RoboEdgar, and finds a small metallic box attached to his neck. She tells Jack that it’s some sort of control device, and pulls it off of RoboEdgar. It has the label “Acme Remote Control”. Chloe says that she’s bought a lot of Acme’s stuff on the internet, and while they seem to have quite a number of road runner capture devices, the rest of their stuff is pretty good. That and they have incredibly fast delivery services. Chloe says she’s going to see what she can find out about RoboEdgar.

2:14 – Jack thanks the members of the Lawn Rangers for their help. The Rangers resume their normal Lawn Ranger activities. Jack and Curtis head toward the Yoders. Curtis tells Jack that this all seems to be really familiar, but he’s guessing that it has to do with the day long “Witness” movie marathon he watched last week. Jack says that this place seems familiar because it’s one of the Midwest bases of CTU!

2:16 – The Yoders and Johan explain to Curtis that over a hundred years ago, in order to have covert agents throughout the country, they came up with the whole “Amish” idea. They figured that if the entire set-up looked like a quaint country tourist attraction, no one would ever be the wiser. Johan tells Jack that what they’re about to see might be a bit of a surprise. They go inside the Johan’s house.

2:18 – Audrey is wandering down Hollywood Blvd, when she comes up in front Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. She spends several minutes there, trying to get her feet to conform to her favorite movie star, and starts crying when she can’t do it. A staff member from the Theatre comes out to see why Audrey is scaring away customers, and she sniffles that she can’t get her feet to match Lassie’s footprints.

2:20 – Cheney Looking Guy walks into Acting President Aaron’s office, and says that Aaron will be relieved to know that they’ve found a perfect replacement for Manilow. They’ve decided to go with President Allstate’s brother Wayne. Aaron says that it was an honor being shot at when he was with Wayne, and that Wayne would do well as president. Cheney Looking Guy says that they wanted to put someone likeable into the presidency after Manilow. Aaron says that even he knows that they succession to the line of the president doesn’t really work like that, and that the Speaker of House would be next. Cheney Looking Guy says that even the Speaker wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole. So, what they plan to do is make Wayne the Secretary of Defense while Secretary Heller is off missing. The Speaker of the House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Treasury, and the Head Chef of the White House kitchens all turn down the job, and voila! Wayne will be president. Aaron agrees that President Wayne has a nice ring to it.

2:21 – Agent Morris finally arrives at Hollywood’s secret lair, and Hollywood seems completely startled to see him. Hollywood asks how he was able to find the lair. Did he question Manilow? Did he interrogate one of the Henchmen? Morris pulls out “Hollywood Maps of The Diabolical”, points at their location, and suggests that they move to a new hideout.


2:26– Johan takes them back down stairs into the communications area, and over to an office. One wall is covered with pictures that look like they date back from the 1800s. Each one of them has a picture of an Amish man that looks a lot like Jack, with the name “Jack Bauer” under each of them. Johan tells Jack that these guys are relatives of his, and the last person to hold a secret security clearance was Jack’s grandfather, Jack. They all figured that a name like “Jack Bauer” was the perfect “Amish” cover. Johan explains that Jack’s parents took him away from all that, and that’s why he doesn’t remember any of this life. Jack mumbles something about this all explaining this strange attraction to horse buggies.

2:29 – One of the terrorist henchmen that Hollywood hired is in a military-style plane flying over some corn fields. He calls Hollywood on the phone, and wants to know if he should still carry out the attack. Hollywood says yes, and the henchman puts down the cell phone, grabs a pizza box and walks out of the plane. Another henchman picks up the phone and tells Hollywood that the attack just went to deliver a carry out. Hollywood smacks himself in the forehead and tells the second henchman that he just wants the plan run just the way they discussed, and then hangs up.

2:31 – Jack calls Bill back at CTU, tells him that RoboEdgar has been disabled. He also tells him that Chloe is working on RoboEdgar. Bill tells Jack that since RoboEdgar is disabled, and since he had a pretty hard day yesterday, he can take the rest of today off.

2:32 – A huge crash from somewhere above them scares everyone in the underground communications center. Jack up the stairs and into the main part of the house. He looks at the ceiling and sees that part of it has buckled, but not fallen in. Outside we hear an airplane that’s pretty low to the ground, and then another loud THUD and a SPLAT. We hear Chloe yell, “THAT’S DISGUSTING!”

2:33 – Jack runs out of the building, and he looks into the sky to see the plane headed away from them, and shoots at it a couple of times just because he hasn’t shot anything in some time now. He looks up at the building, and a really big shark is on top of the house. He looks over where Chloe is and she’s about ten feet from another shark that splattered all over the street.

2:35 – Hollywood gets a phone call. It’s the second henchman. He informs that the shark attack on Jack Bauer proved to be unsuccessful. Hollywood carefully explains to him that a shark attack happens in water, NOT in the middle of cornfields in the Midwest, and that they were supposed to go to a secondary plan when they left Miami! The henchman unsuccessfully tries to point out that it wasn’t actually in a cornfield; it was in the middle of the street. Hollywood doesn’t seem to appreciate this angle very much. He orders the henchman to do things right this time, and says “I want you to make sure it looks like an accident!”


2:39 – Jack calls Bill to tell him that there’s still something going on, and that wants to know the position of the plane that just flew over the town. Bill says “up”, and Jack says that he wants to know where the plane is run now. Bill still says “up”, and Jack finally gives in and tells him to let him know if Bill can figure out where a plane carrying two large dead sharks came from, where it’s going, and why they landed here. The sharks, not the plane. And not so much landed, as splattered.

2:40 – Curtis is asking the Yoders questions about the Midwest, still fascinated by the wide-open spaces, and the opportunity to lay out even larger perimeters.

2:41 – Chloe calls over Jack and Curtis, and tells them that she thinks she can fix RoboEdgar. They both cross their legs and wince, and she says she means that she can repair him. Jack tells her to do what she can.

2:43 – Cheney Looking Guy is standing with Wayne Palmer and some of the White House kitchen and gardening staff in front of a video conference with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Head Chef of the White House Kitchens doesn’t look very pleased about this whole situation, since HE could have been the President. Cheney Looking Guy leans over and tells him that he’ll get his own personal solid gold Kitchen Aid Mixer with all the attachments, and the Chef seems a lot happier. The Chef asks Cheney Looking Guy if he can at least get a military band to play “Hail to the Chef” at least once, and CLG tells him not to press his luck. Wayne is sworn in as President.

2:45 – Audrey has been abandoned by the theatre staff, who have gone in to call the police. A black car with tinted windows pulls up in front of the theatre. Someone rolls down the window and calls her name. Audrey goes over to the car, puts her whole upper body into the car and says “Well! Hello there!” The car pulls away from the curb, Audrey’s legs wildly kicking in air while she tries to get the rest of herself in the car.

2:46 – Chloe tells Jack and Curtis, “I think I’ve got it”. She presses a button in RoboEdgar’s lower back. RoboEdgar suddenly opens his eyes, and sits straight up, startling everyone. RoboEdgar turns his head, sees Chloe and says, “Glowie, eye nerve her mend too herd Annie won. Theme aid me. Thee won Ted meat two herd Jag. Wee half tooths hop hem.” He slumps back over with a loud crash.

2:47 – Jack and Curtis look at each other and then back at Chloe. Chloe says that there’s something wrong about how he’s speaking, and Jack assures her that they’ve figured that out. Curtis asks if Chloe understood what RoboEdgar just said. Chloe rolls her eyes and says, that yes, she did. In fact she is an expert in many languages. Curtis asks her to say something in Fortran. Chloe ignores this, and Jack asks what language that was. Chloe said it was English, just a little mispronounced. Chloe tells them RoboEdgar said, “Chloe, I never meant to hurt anyone. They made me. They wanted me to hurt Jack. We have to stop them.”

2:48 – Jack calls Bill and says “Someone is trying to kill me”. Bill says that this is no cause for alarm, since stuff like this happens to Jack all the time. Bill says he’ll call into the CTU organization there, and have them arrange for a trip to an airport.


2:53 – Chloe tells Jack that she better stay here with RoboEdgar until he can be completely repaired. Johan assures Jack they have a state of the art facility there, and Chloe will be able to do the necessary repairs to RoboEdgar there. Jack tells her to get back to Los Angeles as soon as she can.

2:54 – Cheney Looking Guy escorts the newly sworn in President Wayne Palmer into the LA office of the President. President Wayne’s first act is to order the entire contents of Manilow’s Barbie collection removed from his desk, and returned to him.

2:55 – A car drives up to Jack and Curtis. They thank the Yoders and Johan for their help, and drive off down the road. Then they back up and ask for directions to the airport. They thank them again, and drive in the correct direction this time.

2:56 – Curtis and Jack get a little way out of town, when they notice a tow truck helping a couple of cars at the side of the road. One of the guys is on a cell phone.

2:57 – The guy on the cell phone is actually the henchman, and he’s getting chewed out by Hollywood…again. Hollywood says, “When I say ‘Make it look like an accident’, I mean, ‘Make Jack Bauer’s death look like an accident’!”

2:58 – Bill receives a phone call, listens, and says “Well, you’ll have to come up with a bigger threat than that!” and hangs up.

2:59 – Jack receives a phone call and puts it on speakerphone, and the person at the other end of the line says “CTU doesn’t seem to care about this, but I think you will. We have Audrey Reigns here, and unless you do as you’re told, you’ll never see her again!” The person at the end of the line hangs up. Curtis tries to give Jack a “high five”, but you can tell Jack is in no mood for that.

3:00 – Time’s up!

24: The Next Day – 1 pm to 2 pm

Last Time:

Jack jumped RoboEdgar off the cost of Miami, preventing RoboEdgar from starting a hurricane. RoboEdgar flew off with Jack still attached. Curtis and Chloe have flown from Miami using a hypersonic Harrier Jet to try and find RoboEdgar and Jack. They suspect that he’s somewhere in the Midwest, but are having a tough time tracking him down because there are no lines on the ground like there are on maps. Jack dropped out of the sky, and was saved by an Amish family. They have mistaken him as one of their own. Jack is being taken to the local doctor. Ex-President Manilow has gone back to warn Acting President Aaron about Marwan being brought back from beyond the grave. Audrey is still fascinated by her fingers.

Please note that because of some incredibly difficult editing procedures and several broken crayons, the times in last week’s synopsis were incorrectly calculated and were off by an hour. We blame this on Daylight Savings time; Daylight Savings time blamed it on us. We hope to reconcile soon. Ed: I fixed the time on my post here, but not on Dave’s Blog


We think the following happened between 1 pm and 2 pm, but we’re not sure because we became distracted when someone’s cell phone went off.

1:00 pm – The Amish couple and Jack continue down the road in the black buggy, which has a bumper sticker on the back that says “My other buggy is a buggy too”. Jack’s head is bandaged. The Amish woman asks Jack where he’s from and Jack tells her “Los Lobos”. Jack asks what their names are, and they introduce themselves as Douglas and Katherine Yoder. Jack replies that he loved the part in the movie where Yoder taught Luke about The Force.

1:01 pm – Chloe and Curtis are still searching for Jack, but don’t see any sign of him or RoboEdgar. Chloe does, however, see lots of other signs, which are large, green and have white lettering. Chloe asks Curtis what the heck is going on, and he says they don’t have enough fuel to make a “straight down” landing, and that they are going to make an emergency landing on the expressway. This takes a while because several cars go by and won’t let them merge into the right lane. A car finally blinks its lights a couple of times and the plane lands, and rolls down the highway to an exit ramp.

1:04 pm – Manilow is very animatedly trying to explain to Aaron that Marwan is back, and has resorted to drawing stick figures on a large white board. Aaron doesn’t seem to comprehend what’s Manilow is talking about, because Aaron has no reaction whatsoever.

1:05 pm – Mysterious-Hollywood-Agent-Looking Guy is on the phone, complaining about the shipment of terrorists he ordered. “I specifically said no sidekicks!” He slams down the phone, and turns to the two sidekicks standing in front of him. I places a large number “1” and number “2” stickers, on each of them and they start giggling and making “number 1” and “number 2” jokes at each other. Hollywood turns to a Senior Lackey, and tells him to get the sidekicks out of his sight.

1:07 pm – Jack continues to ride in the buggy as it slowly goes down the road. He looks over and sees something in the cornfield, and suddenly leaps out of the carriage. Well, it’s more like he steps out of the carriage, since it’s going about walking speed. But, he does get out and starts yelling and screaming as he runs through the cornfield. He picks up a few clods of dirt and starts throwing them while he heads further into the cornfield, scaring a lot of blackbirds. He gets them all to leave, yells “Audrey! I saved you!” and gives a huge hug to a scarecrow.


1:11 pm – The Yoders drag Jack away from the scarecrow, telling each other that the bump on his head must have been worse than they realized. They continue on their journey and make their way to a small bunch of buildings with a lot of signs promoting quilts, hand-made furniture, and cows. A large guy wearing sun glasses, Hawaiian shirt, and shorts is questioning an Amish farmer where exactly the “on” switch is on that cow, and were exactly to plug it in. Douglas continues to drive the buggy to their destination.

1:13 pm – Chloe and Curtis roll up to a gas station, and try to very inconspicuously fill up the tank on their Harrier jet. They fill up the tank, ring up $15,000 on the gas pump, and go inside to pay. Curtis asks Chloe what they’re going to do to disable RoboEdgar without Jack around, and Chloe says she’s working on it.

1:15 pm – Manilow has resorted to pantomime to try and explain that Marwan is back, but Aaron still doesn’t respond to this at all.

1:16 pm – The attendant looks at them, looks around the store and tells them he has to get them the “locals” rate, since they’re obviously from the nearby Air Force base and not out of town. The bill comes to $150. Chloe and Curtis look at each other, shrug, and go back out to the plane. As they reach the plane, Chloe snaps her fingers, and asks Curtis to wait a minute while she runs back inside.

1:18 pm – Marwan arrives at Hollywood’s secret office, with a few thugs and blonde curly-haired man, named Janosz. Janosz looks really upset. Hollywood asks him what the problem is, and Janosz says that he’s mad that he wasn’t able to conjure up Vigo the Carpathian. Hollywood reassures him that bringing back Marwan will do just as nicely. Hollywood spends to next few minutes explaining to Marwan that he’s personally assigned RoboEdgar the jobs of getting Jack out of Los Angeles and to kill him. The first part worked great, the second, not so much. They begin discussing a new plot to take over part of Los Angeles, while we here Janosz in the background mumbling about looking out for proton packs.

1:21 pm – Bill returns from lunch and goes to talk to Audrey. She’s in a very heated argument with a lamp. Bill tells Harold that Audrey probably needs to see a doctor. Audrey starts whining really loudly as she loses the argument with the lamp. Harold suggests that perhaps a team of doctors needs to see Audrey.


1:25 pm – Manilow gets completely frustrated with Aaron, and leaves. Aaron says, “Yeah, OK. I’ll get back to you about that. I have someone here that wants to talk to me. Goodbye.” Aaron takes out his earphone that was plugged into his cell phone and wonders where Manilow went.

1:27 pm – Audrey is loaded onto an ambulance, and it heads out for the hospital. The driver in the ambulance decides to turn off the siren, since Audrey’s crying is drowning it out.

1:28 pm – As the Yoders arrive at the small village square, a young man runs up to the buggy and hands Douglas a ticket. He tells him that when they’re done, all they have to do is show them the ticket, and someone will bring their buggy back around. The young man drives off with the buggy.

1:30 pm – Manilow calls Hollywood to tell the good news about seeing Marwan. Manilow relates the story about trying to tell the acting president what’s going on. Manilow says that he strongly suspects that if he can lead the charge to stop Marwan, he just might get to be president again. Hollywood completely freaks out at this news. He in no way wants to see Manilow as President again after yesterday’s performance. Hollywood says that he’s the one that brought Marwan back, and if anything happens to his plan, Manilow is going to pay for it. Manilow jokes that he has a good credit rating, so this should be no problem. After hanging up, Manilow realizes what Hollywood really meant.

1:33 pm – The ambulance that Audrey is riding in is swerving in and out of traffic, and finally crashes into a light pole. Audrey’s loud crying made the driver and both attendants pass out. Audrey walks out of the back of the ambulance completely unharmed.

1:35 pm – The Yoders and Jack are making their way through tourists, and pass a parade. Much to the annoyance of everyone, a cell phone goes off and a man starts talking really loudly while the parade continues. Several people try to get him to leave the area, but he ignores them.

1:36 pm – We see Marwan leave the warehouse where he had his meeting, and he drives off, just as we see Audrey walk by. They don’t notice each other. Audrey is now wandering the streets of perhaps the vilest part of town. A part of town where people assume other identities and no one thinks anything of it. A part of town where people are used and abused every day… that’s right…. She’s in Hollywood.

1:37 pm – Chloe and Curtis are back in the jet, and call CTU to find out if there is any further information about Jack. Bill answers the phone, and punches a few keys on his computer. Bill tells them that Jack probably is not in Indiana, but appears to be somewhere in central Illinois, given the trajectory of RoboEdgar when they last had them on radio. Chloe recommends that Bill order Harold to the Remedial Agent Tracking class. Bill gives them an approximate area where Jack and RoboEdgar are likely to be.
They take off in the plane.

1:40 pm – The Yoders bring Jack into a small house where the doctor is sending off a tourist with a head wrap made from opossum fur, brown paper, and vegetable oil. The doctor tells the man that it should hold until he gets to a “city-fied” doctor. The doctor, Johan Strudel, sees the Yoders and Jack arrive, and welcomes them into the house.


1:44 pm – Chloe and Curtis land outside of Arcola, Illinois. Curtis admits to Chloe that all the wide open space without any buildings is freaking him out a little. Chloe tells Curtis that if it would make him feel better, he could go put down a perimeter. Curtis looks absolutely overjoyed at the prospect of setting up the world’s largest perimeter. Off in the distance, we can see some sort of parade going on. Chloe starts heading for the parade.

1:46 pm – Johan looks both ways to make sure no one else is around and closes the front door. He asks about Jack. They tell the doctor they found Jack in the field. Johan asks Jack what happened. Jack explains that he fell about 4999 feet and everything was fine. It was that very last foot that really, really hurt. Johan asks Jack if he knows his name, and Jack replies that the doctor is a “big silly” if the doctor doesn’t know his own name. The doctor says that he wants to know if Jack knows who he is. Jack says that he’s “Jack Bauer”. Johan turns pale.

1:49 pm – The doctor asks the Yoders if they realize who this is, and Douglas tells him that they do, and that’s why they brought Jack to the doctor. The doctor hits a button that’s hidden behind a picture and a portion of the wooden floor rises up, revealing a staircase. They all head down the staircase.

1:51 pm – Chloe reaches town, where she meets up with Curtis who looks greatly relieved to have been able to set down a perimeter after not doing so for so many hours.

1:52 pm – The basement in the doctor’s office is actually a sophisticated communications center, with many state-of-the-art computers, many television screens, and a cabinet with guns and ammunition. Johan leads them to a room off of the main communications area, and goes to a cabinet. He pulls out a vial and a syringe, and injects Jack with something. Jack passes out.


1:56 pm – As Chloe and Curtis get to the central part of town, they stop to watch the parade. The parade consists of a small marching band, a float, and a really long line of men, three across, all pushing lawn mowers. The sign they’re carrying says “Lawn Rangers”. There must be over sixty guys pushing lawn mowers. They all suddenly stop and start doing formation patterns, all while pushing lawn mowers. Chloe tells Curtis that this is all vaguely familiar, and Curtis admits he was thinking the same thing.

1:58 pm – Chloe notices a jet plane flying toward them, and tells Curtis. Curtis thinks that it’s really strange that a single jumbo jet would be flying so low to the ground.

1:59 pm – From across the town square, Jack bursts out of the doctor’s office, shoots the cell phone out of the hand of the guy who wouldn’t shut up, and tells everyone to get down immediately. Jack runs to Chloe and Curtis and yells, “Lawn Rangers! This is a John Deere Priority One Alert!” All the guys with lawn mowers form a circle around Jack, Chloe and Curtis just as RoboEdgar, face covered with pizza sauce, lands about 100 feet away from them, and his hands have changed into guns!

2:00 pm – Time’s up!

24: The Next Day – 12 noon to 1 pm

We’re pretty sure that this happened between 12 noon and 1 pm, but we can’t be sure since we were out to lunch and no one was here to answer the phones.

12 noon (3 pm Eastern Standard Time) – The helicopter containing Chloe and Curtis is spinning around violently, and it flies off, trying to stay out of the wind currents RoboEdgar is generating. We see Jack shooting his gun as he falls. He’s shooting at RoboEdgar, trying to get RoboEdgar to stop spinning around in mid-air. Bullets are ricocheting off RoboEdgar, sending them in every direction. As he drops closer and closer to RoboEdgar, Jack slaps himself in the forehead and says “Parachute!” while still shooting his gun. As Jack falls past RoboEdgar, he grabs RoboEdgar by the feet, and begins spinning around too.

12:01 pm (1:01 pm You Spin Me Round Time) – Chloe yells at Curtis to do something. Curtis slaps Chloe and tells her to get a hold of herself. Chloe punches Curtis hard in the face, and tells him that he better get a hold of himself, and that they have to help Jack. Chloe calls Bill to tell him that they’re following Jack. They fly after RoboEdgar as he starts to head back to the coast, Jack still hanging on for dear life.

12:04 pm (1:04 pm Pacific Time) – Secretary of Defense Heller has miraculously landed in a potted tree on the roof of a building after jumping out of his helicopter. He calls Bill to find out the latest status. Bill tells Heller that RoboEdgar is headed to the east coast. Heller panics, asks Bill to tell Audrey that he loves her, and jumps of the edge of the building.

12:05 pm (1:05 pm Specific Time) – At the LA compound, Acting President Aaron calls Russia on the presidential “hot line” to that calls directly to the Kremlin, and hangs up really quick when someone answers. The “hot line” rings, and Aaron waits to pick it up. When he finally does, the person on the other end wants to know why he called. At first Aaron denies calling anyone until the person on the other end points out they have a really sophisticated technology in place that can detect who makes calls, called “Caller ID”, plus the Kremlin is the only place that phone can call to.

12:07 pm (12:37 pm Newfoundland Time) – Manilow wakes up and realizes he’s in deep trouble. He hasn’t fed the parking meter in the lot in an hour. That, and Marwan is back. Manilow runs out of the shop. He runs through the mall saying, “Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh”, and nearly passes out from hyperventilating. He tries to get out of the mall, but spins around in a revolving door several times before freeing himself.

12:09 pm (8:09 am We’re Just Waking Up Here Miami Time) – Chloe and Curtis fly after RoboEdgar and Jack, as RoboEdgar gets closer and closer to the water. Jack swears he sees a pink starfish and a yellow sponge wave at him as he rushes over the water. Just before they reach the beach, RoboEdgar starts going even faster. They soar high into the sky, over the buildings and out of sight.


12:13 pm (3:13 pm New York Time….You got a problem with that?) – Manilow gets to his car where a parking officer is writing up a ticket for his car. Manilow tries to argue the ticket and the officer writes him a ticket for being a bad president impersonator. Manilow tries to argue that ticket, and the officer writes him of up for being impersonating a bad president. Manilow decides to cut his losses, and leaves.

12:15 pm (12:15 pm …but for you, 12:05 pm Flea market Haggling Time) – Agent Morris is still on the phone trying to explain what happened with the nuclear weapon. We see that he’s on the phone with the mysterious mastermind that looks like a Hollywood agent. He can tell he’s a mysterious mastermind because he’s wearing a “Mysterious Mastermind” name tag. Hollywood tells Morris to get back to LA right away, because their plan to get Jack away from LA and kill him is almost complete.

12:17 pm (1:43 am Crazy Time) – Curtis and Chloe fly the helicopter they took from the Port of Miami back to the airfield where they landed their specially adapted Harrier jets. Someone has painted them pink and turquoise, which as we’ve noted before, is the law in Miami. Chloe is on the phone with Bill back at CTU trying to explain what happened, and to see if Bill can bring up anything on the screen that would help them. Bill says that Chloe’s CTU computer seems to be broken!


12:23 pm (Stardate 42354.4) – Bill continues to mess around with the computer trying to get it to work. He explains the situation to Chloe to see if she can diagnose the problem. Chloe tells him that he use something called the “On/Off button” on the front of the computer. The computer springs to life, runs down the hallway and disappears. Chloe suggests using one of the other computers at CTU, not hers. Bill sees that RoboEdgar is headed for the Midwest, but doing the calculations of where exactly he’s headed is going to take some time.

12:25 pm (Second Lunch, Hobbit Time) – Secretary of Defense Heller, who survived jumping of the building by doing a series of swings around flag poles that were hanging off the side of the building. He’s walking on a bridge when he stops to call Bill to find out the latest status. Bill tells Heller that RoboEdgar is headed somewhere in the Midwest. Heller panics, asks Bill to tell Audrey that he loves her, and jumps off of the bridge.

12:27 pm (Reset the Timer, The Cylons Are Coming Back AgainTime) – Still slightly disoriented, Marwan argues with the people at the séance table, tells them he has to go to work, and leaves. He heads straight for a home improvement store, and starts stocking shelves. A lady comes up to him to ask where she can find knobs. He turns away from her, and starts talking to thin air: “Door knobs, brass tacks, left handed wrenches and many of your other home improvement items are just some of the things we carry. Come on down to visit our store today. …..Did you get my good side? We can do another take if you’d like. …Hello? Hello?” The lady backs slowly away from Marwan, and goes down another aisle. Marwan continues to talk to a film crew that isn’t there.

12:29 pm (2129 pm Coordinated Universal Time) – Manilow drives up the LA presidential compound and jumps out of the car, causing it to crash because he forgot to stop the car before getting out of it.


12:30 pm (4:BQ Uncoordinated Universal Time) – A CTU agent walks over to Bill and tells him that Audrey wasn’t drunk. She explains that Audrey was completely covered in nicotine patches, and that Audrey might be unstable for the next few hours. Harold asks what horses have to do with that. Bill ignores him to ask the CTU agent how they’ll be able to tell when Audrey returns to her “normal” self since she’s fairly unstable most of the time anyway. We see Audrey in the background counting the fingers on one of her hands, noticing that she has more fingers on the other hand, and repeating this over and over again.

12:33 pm (3,000,000 BC, Time Travel Time)– A guy at the home improvement store walks up to Marwan and asks where they have lawn mowers, and Marwan tells him, “Aisle ’12 I’. ‘I’…as in Infidel!” Marwan shakes his head as if he doesn’t realize why he said that.

12:36 pm (Two days from now, New Zealand Time) – Manilow is surrounded by protesters outside of the LA compound. They’re holding signs, and chanting that Manilow should be out as president. They notice Manilow, and run over to yell at him. Manilow asks if they’ve been watching the news, and one of them admits that they don’t watch the news very much because it’s hard to understand. Manilow tells them that if they’d been watching the news, they’d realize he’s not president anymore, and they’ll have to protest somewhere else. The crowd gets really quiet and one of them asks if that’s really true. Manilow says that it is. Someone else says, “Well. OK then” and tells the rest of the crowd to pack up and leave.

12:37 pm (Two days ago, Old Zealand Time) – Jack is still flying with RoboEdgar, buzzing really close to the treetops. Jack swears that if he sees one more “See Ruby Falls” sign, he’s going to go find Ruby and make her fall.

12:38 pm (Sometime today, What The Heck is a Zealand Anyway Time) – Curtis and Chloe are getting really impatient waiting for Bill, so Chloe calls him back. Harold answers and says that Bill took an early lunch. Chloe goes ballistic and tells Harold to set her workstation up so that she can access it remotely. Chloe pulls out her MP3 player, cracks the back open, and works on the wiring for a minute. The screen for her computer at CTU comes up on the screen on the MP3 player. She watches the screen as she sees RoboEdgar and Jack stop somewhere in Indiana. She tells Curtis this, just as she sees RoboEdgar take off again, headed northwest.

12:38 pm (Quarter past Arthur Weasley, Potter Time) – We watch as RoboEdgar tries to shake Jack off while zooming around a corn field. Finally, after holding on for so many miles across country, Jack lets go and lands in the field. The camera pans back at RoboEdgar flies off, and we see that the crop circle RoboEdgar has left is in the exact design of the Krispy Kreme logo.


12:44 pm (1:44 pm 1885, Doctor Emmet Brown Time) – We see Jack lying on the ground in the cornfield, confused about what happened. He has a cut on his forehead, and his vision is blurred. We watch through his perspective as dark figures approach him. Jack passes out.

12:46 pm (1:46 pm 2015, Marty McFly Time) – Chloe calls Harold to let him know they’re headed for Indiana, and Curtis starts the Harrier jet to take off. The engine doesn’t sound right… It almost sounds like someone has installed speakers on the outside of the plane. They open the hatch on the plane and hear that the plane is playing Buster Pointdexter’s “Hot! Hot! Hot!”, as they take off.

12:48 pm (1:48pm Happy Hour Somewhere Time) – Manilow is finally able to make his way up to the guards after the last of the protesters leave. The guards have no idea who he is, and ask to see his ID. He asks to see VP Scary, but the guards say that he’s been taken away in to a laughing academy. Manilow doesn’t know what that means, and says so. The guard says, “You know… The crazy house? The loony league? He’s out dancing the KookyKabana?” Manilow says, “Oh! The funny farm!” The guard nods, and they sharing a laugh. Manilow says asks who is in charge, because he needs to talk to someone.

12:50 pm (150 AD, Let’s Create an Atlas Time) – Secretary Heller wakes up on the top of a barge that he fell onto when he jumped off the bridge. He calls Bill to find out the latest status. Bill tells Heller that he’s out to lunch and that he’s not sure where they are right now. He also says that the pastrami sandwich he’s having is great. Heller panics, asks Bill to tell Audrey that he loves her, and jumps off the boat.

12:52 pm (36:52 Zed’s Alpha Centaurian Time)– A couple of men in black suits arrive at the home improvement store and whisper something to the girl at the customer service desk. She looks at them funny, and then point to the microphone on her desk. She picks it up and says, “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’re enjoying your shopping experience with us today. If there’s anyone in the store that would like to talk to the people filming their commercials, or would just like to talk a little about the infidel, please come to the customer service desk”. Marwan goes to the front of the store, and the men discuss something with him. They all leave.

12:54 pm (Six Minutes To Time’s Up Time) – Manilow walks into the acting president’s office. Then, he opens the door, and walks into the office where we see Acting President Aaron on the phone with his mom trying to convince her about what’s going on today. Aaron sees Manilow, and Manilow tries to explain that Marwan is back, but Aaron doesn’t seem to believe him.

12:56 pm (1:56 pm, 1955, Time Capsule Time) – We see Jack in a dark room, and a woman who we can’t quite see is mopping his forehead with a wet cloth. She tells Jack that he’s had a fall, and that getting something to eat would be the best thing right now. Jack asks for a peanut butter and Jello sandwich. She tells someone else in the room that she’s concerned about the bump on Jack’s head, and they have to take him to a doctor. A male voice asks Jack his name, and Jack says “Jack Bauer”. Another male voice, says “See! I told you! I knew he was one of us! Now get him dressed so we can go to the doctor!”

12:58 pm (50280 seconds past midnight, UNIX time) – Curtis and Chloe are nearing Indiana, but Curtis isn’t sure exactly where he is. He complains about the lack of little lines that separate all the states like they have on maps. Chloe shakes her head, and tells him to land as soon as he can, so they can get directions.

12:59 pm (One Minute To Go Time) – We see a horse drawn buggy going down a dirt road. As the camera pans around the buggy, we see two men and a woman all dressed in traditional Amish clothes. One of them has a bandage around his head. It’s Jack!

1:00 pm (1:00pm Time’s up Time) – Time’s up!

(PS. Happy Birthday, Dave!)

24: The Next Day – 11 am to 12 noon

The following might have happened between 11 am and 12 noon, but we’re not really sure because the tests haven’t come back yet.

11:00 a.m. (2pm Eastern) – Jack hands the “Hurricane Edgar” note to Chloe, and calls Bill at CTU via the Jackphone. Curtis wants to know how Edgar becoming a football player will hurt anything. Jack puts Bill on speaker and asks where Edgar is headed. Bill says he thinks Edgar is headed for “utter doom”, and Chloe laughs because she says she remembers seeing cows in a video game with that name. Jack yells at both of them to quit acting goofy, and Curtis jumps in and says that to do that they’d have to drive four hours north and audition. Bill asks Jack what he’s worried about, since Chloe’s homing signal is within 10 feet of them and everything is fine. Jack spots the homing signal device the Chloe built, laying on the ground.

11:02 – Ex-president Manilow walks down to one end of the mall where a number of the stores appear to be closed. Strange music is coming out of one of them. It appears to be some sort of novelty store. He checks the door to see if it’s open, and after pushing on it with all his might, realizes that it opens towards him and goes in.

11:03 – (2:03 Eastern) Jack, Chloe and Curtis are looking toward the east trying to figure out where RoboEdgar might have gone. A small crowd of Herald Hunt participants start to gather behind them, to try to see what Jack, Chloe and Curtis are looking at. Chloe says that RoboEdgar must be getting low on fuel. Jack asks what “fuel”, and Chloe looks at him like he just opened an e-mail attachment without having a virus checker installed. Chloe explains that the reason Edgar must have attacked the donut shops and snack factory was to get enough energy to fly all the way to Miami. Curtis asks why, if that were true, did RoboEdgar end up with a nuclear device? Chloe is just about to make a snide remark to Curtis about this when she realizes that he’s right. Curtis “high fives” Jack, and writes down today’s date and time, and tells them they’re both witnesses. They all start walking towards the east, closer to the street, which is getting considerably louder than before.

11:05 – Audrey stumbles into CTU very dazed. She wanders past the guards, telling them that she’s Agent 99, and she’s there to see Max. She stumbles up the stairs to the CTU situation room, where lots of situations have happened. Bill asks where she’s been, and Audrey asks him if he knows the way to San Jose. Bill tells Harold that something is wrong with Audrey. Harold isn’t really sure how Bill can tell this, but he goes along with it anyway. Bill asks Audrey if she’s inebriated, and she tells him, no, she’s drunk. Harold takes a step closer to Audrey and realizes that she’s ticking! Harold points at her and says “Bomb!” and dives under the desk. Audrey giggles and says “Boom!” Bill thinks about what to do for a minute, sighs, and calls the bomb squad.

11:07 – A dyslexic convenience store.

11:08 – Bill explains the situation to the bomb squad. The guy from the bomb squad tries to convince Bill that waiting, oh, about 10 hours might help the bomb defuse. Bill considers this for a moment, and then tells them to get down there right away.


11:12 – Secretary Heller enters the office of VP Scary, who is arguing with one of the secret service agents. Scary is insisting on being called “Emperor”. The secret service agent turns to leave, rolls his eyes, and tells Heller “Good Luck”. Heller excuses himself from the room, and talks with some of the secret service agents, including Secret Service Agent Aaron.

11:13 – Bill and Harold frantically try to get Audrey to quit making sudden moves, but Audrey seems dead set on chasing them around the room yelling “Boom!”. The bomb squad arrives, and again asks Bill if he’s really sure they want them there. Audrey starts crying, and the bomb stops ticking. The room gets really quiet, except for a loud whining noise which makes everyone dive behind a table. The whining noise suddenly gets much louder when Audrey joins them all behind the table. Bill realizes the whining noise is actually Audrey. One of the bomb squad guys next to Bill looks over and sees that Audrey’s tears defused the bomb. The rest of the bomb squad looks pretty upset at this news.

11:13 – Manilow wanders around the dimly lit novelty shop, not noticing that the men in black suits that had been following him go right past the front door. The weird music continues to play. Manilow finds some pretty funny-looking masks, and tries one on. He looks in the mirror and thinks it’s a little odd, because doesn’t see the mask. It takes him a few seconds to realize that he just put a “President Manilow” mask on himself.

11:14 (1:14 Central) – We see Agent Morris at the last working pay phone in America, telling someone on the other end of the phone, “They booted me from the plane.”

11:15 – Secretary Heller bursts back into Scary’s office saying that a horrible tragedy just happened. Heller tells Scary that the mobile battle station they were building was just blown up by a teenager, a space pirate, and some kind of really tall monkey. Scary looks really mad, and says that Heller will have to pay the price for this. Scary points his hands at Heller and shakes them. Nothing happens. Scary looks at his hands, then at Heller and then points his hands at Heller again, shaking them harder this time. Scary mumbles something about a pilot light being out, as two hospital orderlies enter the room. They tell Scary that they’re here to give him a nice, new, tight-fitting white jacket with his name printed upside down so when it looks down he can read it easily. Scary points his hands at them, and nothing happens. They finally convince Scary to go with them by telling him they’re there to take him to an important Imperial Senate meeting, and if they don’t hurry, he’ll be late. They leave.

11:19 (2:19 Eastern) Jack, Curtis and Chloe are near the roadway, just standing there, wondering what to do next, and where Edgar might be trying to refuel. Off in the distance, a line of white cars are heading in their direction. A guy named Jim standing behind Jack says “Oh, this can’t be good”. Jack turns around and asks Jim why that would be. Jim says, “You have no idea. They get up early in the morning and drive around really slow to make us late while we try and get to work. Then when we try and get back home, they’re out again driving really slow. Forget about trying to catch an early dinner. Every restaurant is jammed. I haven’t gotten home before 7 pm or eaten at a restaurant before 8 pm in years. I don’t know why they’re out now, unless they thought they would be getting a lunch special some place. You don’t want to see them angry!” As the white cars get closer, we see there’s a very long line of them, and they’re swerving over all the lanes of traffic. This being Miami, many of the residents don’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, but Jack, Curtis and Chloe look nervous.

11:21 (2:21 Eastern) – Curtis points at the line of cars and tells Jack that they look like the same cars they told about the fake lunch special. The guy they’re with says they better get out of there because the people in those cars are going to be really mad. Jim says their only hope is to outrun them, or to stall them until 8 pm at which point they’ll all fall asleep. Chloe says that outrunning them seems to be a much better plan.

11:22 (2:22 Eastern) – Jack asks Jim to whether he has a car nearby. Jim takes them to his car, and Jack tells Jim that Curtis better drive because there might a lot of shooting, and high speed chases. Jim laughs, and tells them to get into the car. The car’s tires squeal on the way out of the parking lot, and as the wheels on the left side of the car go up in the air, Jim asks them where they want to go. Curtis tells Jim that he’s very impressed with his driving ability, and Jim confides that all drivers in Miami are taught to do this.

11:23 (2:23 Eastern) – Jack is talking with Chloe as Jim drives. They’re trying to figure out how RoboEdgar could possibly get enough food to get out to sea to become Hurricane Edgar. Jim says that cruise ships are probably their best bet. They head for the Port of Miami. Jack phones Bill, and Bill tells him that they’ve been able to trace RoboEdgar to one of the cruise ships that already left earlier in the day. Jack asks how Bill how he was able to do this. Bill tells Jack that they used a combination of satellites, sophisticated radar imaging, and the trail of empty potato chip bags they saw floating in the water.

11:25 (2:25 Eastern) – We see RoboEdgar standing on the deck of a cruise ship, wearing a “I Love to Cruise” t-shirt. We hear an announcement about the early afternoon snack being served on the Lido deck. There’s a stampede of people that head down to the Lido deck.


11:29 (2:29 Eastern) – RoboEdgar is in line on the Lido deck, trying to blend in. An announcement over the PA system tells people there is a mid-afternoon buffet, and free skeet shooting on the Sports Deck. There’s a stampede of people that head up to the Sports Deck.

11:30 – Secretary Heller is standing near a presidential helicopter just outside of the LA presidential compound, talking to Secret Service Agent Aaron. Heller says that Aaron himself will have to take over as president temporarily until as suitable replacement can be found. Aaron says that under those conditions it could take a really long time, and that he hopes Heller has a better plan than that. Heller tells Aaron it should only take a short time. Heller takes off in the helicopter.

11:32 (2:32 Eastern) Up on the Sports Deck, RoboEdgar is standing in line for the buffet, wearing a first place blue ribbon for Skeet shooting. An announcement says that the “kind of early but really closer to mid-afternoon ice cream festival” is taking place just outside the casino, and there’s a stampede of people as they head there.

11:33 (2:33 Eastern) – Jim’s car arrives at the Port of Miami with Jack, Chloe and Curtis. Jim points to the pink and turquoise helicopter and says that would be there best bet to get to the cruise ship. Curtis questions the color of the helicopter, and Jim says that in South Florida, it’s the law. Jack thanks Jim for the ride.

11:34 (2:34 Eastern) – Jack, Chloe and Curtis approach the pilot of the helicopter, who is outside checking out the fuel lines. Jack shows the pilot his CTU badge, as Chloe and Curtis get into the helicopter. The pilot shows Jack his Captain Crunch ring. Jack tells the pilot that it’s vital to the country’s well-being that they get a ride to the cruise ship right away. The pilot says that it’s vital to his well-being that he should get paid right away. Jack points at a passing blimp showing a clue to the Herald Hunt, and when the pilot looks up, Jack stamps on the pilot’s foot really hard. Jack jumps into the pilot seat of the helicopter, and takes off. Curtis and Chloe just stare at him. Jack says “What?? I’m conserving bullets, OK?”

11:36 – Heller is flying over LA in the helicopter he’s in, which is much less pink and turquoise than the one Jack is in. Heller phones CTU to let Bill know that Scary has been taken away, the Aaron is temporarily in charge, and to find out what the situation is with RoboEdgar. Bill explains that Jack is following RoboEdgar, and that Audrey had a bomb attached to her which has been deactivated. Heller says that there’s obviously some kind of plot going on, and to watch out. Heller looks around and sees a news helicopter, panics, and tells Bill to “Tell Audrey I love her”, and jumps out of the helicopter.

11:38 (2:38 Eastern) – Jack spots the cruise ship and lands on it, meeting the captain of the ship. Jack asks the captain if there’s any place on the ship where there might a lot of food. The captain asks if Jack is kidding. Jack tells Curtis and Chloe to start to search the ship.

11:41 – Acting President Aaron orders a Big Mac with Krispy Kreme Donuts instead of a sesame seed bun for lunch, just because he always wondered if the president could do something like that.


11:46 – Manilow is still poking around in the novelty store when he hears voices coming out of the back room. He peeks into the back room and sees several people sitting around a table holding hands, while one of them is chanting something.

11:47 – (2:47 Eastern) Chloe sees RoboEdgar participating in the ice cream eating contest, near an area with a lot of slot machines and calls Jack about it. Jack tells Chloe that he’ll be right there, and calls Curtis to tell him to go.

11:48 – One of the people that’s been chanting in the room that Manilow is watching, starts mumbling in a language the Manilow can barely understand. He’s confused until he realizes it’s English.

11:49 – (2:49 Eastern) Jack and Curtis find Chloe, watching the contest. Jack suggests that they create a diversion while Jack tries to get to RoboEdgar. Jack and Curtis start making suggestions about starting an impromptu Limbo contests, and Chloe tells them to stop. She makes them swear that they won’t repeat what they’re about to see. Chloe walks over to one of the machines, presses the buttons on the front in a long sequence of pushes, drops a quarter in and pulls the handle. All of the machines come up with three bars, and start shooting money all over the place.

11:52 – (2:52 Eastern) Jack attempts to get to RoboEdgar, pushing against the crowd that’s trying to get to the money. Before Jack gets there, RoboEdgar looks up, ice cream all over his face, and sees Jack. Before Jack can take another step, RoboEdgar leans back in his chair and crashes through the window behind him, and tumbles out of sight.

11:54 – (2:54 Eastern) Jack looks out the window, just in time to see RoboEdgar has fired the rockets in his feet again, and zooms right past the window into the sky. Jack turns around and has a combination of rocket exhaust, ice cream and orange cheese powder all over him. Jack runs to the staircase and heads upstairs. Chloe and Curtis follow him.

11:56 – Manilow watches as a ghostly figure appears out while the chanting continues. The ghost appears to be very hazy, and he can’t quite tell who it is. He starts humming the “Casper the Friendly Ghost” song to himself.

11:57 – (2:57 Eastern) Jack, Chloe and Curtis get into the helicopter, and Jack tells Curtis to fly the helicopter after RoboEdgar. Edgar is hovering in mid-air and starts to rotate in place. Jack tells Curtis to get on top of Edgar, and Curtis says that would need a really bigger ladder for that. Jack tells him to fly over Edgar, which he does.

11:58 – Manilow watches as the ghost seems to solidify even more. The ghost appears to be wearing an orange apron of some sort. Manilow watches in horror as Marwan materializes in the room! Marwan is back! Manilow faints.

11:59 – (2:59 Eastern) Chloe asks Jack what he’s going to do. RoboEdgar is rotating really quickly now and the air surrounding the helicopter is getting more and more turbulent. Jack says that this is the only way he’ll be able to stop RoboEdgar, tells Curtis to get the heck out of there. Chloe screams as she watches Jack step out of the helicopter!

12 noon – Time’s up!

24: The Next Day – 10 am to 11 am

The following didn’t really occur between 10 am and 11 am, but we’re going to pretend that it did anyway.

10 am – Chloe says, “The Herald Hunt… Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of it”. Morris says that he didn’t know Helen Hunt had a brother, and Chloe slaps him in the back of the head. She explains that the Herald Hunt is a puzzle game that’s held in Miami every year, and that thousands of people participate in it. Jack tells everyone, “We have to get to Miami and fast!” Morris asks why they would go to Miami and then not eat, and now Jack slaps him in the back of the head. Audrey looks pretty excited about going to Miami until Jack tells her that “We” is not so much “Jack, Curtis, Chloe, Morris,
Audrey, and Secretary Heller” and more “Jack, Curtis, Chloe and Morris”. Audrey bursts into tears.

10:03 – The Hollywood looking mastermind is fresh out of terrorists, so he hits the speed dial on his mastermind cell phone. “Hi, it’s me. Yeah. Listen, could you send over a few more thugs? I’m going to need them right away. Yeah. Uh huh. I think five lackeys, six henchmen, and about four minions should do it. Yeah. What? No, I don’t want any sidekicks. They always seem to be messing things up. Ok, yeah. Thanks.”

10:05 – Scary has ordered all of the secret service agents on his detail to wear white storm trooper armor. Secret agent Aaron is able to get out of this by telling Scary that they don’t have any in his size, and Scary tells him that he has something else in mind. Aaron hears the suggestion, looks horrified, and makes a phone call to Secretary Heller.

10:07 – Secretary Heller’s talks to Aaron on his cell phone. Heller assures Aaron that Aaron will not have to wear any metal bikinis, and that’ll he’ll be over to straighten things out as soon as he can.

10:08 – Jack asks Heller what kind of transportation he has that can get them to Miami as fast as possible. Heller suggests that aging rapidly and retiring would probably do it, but Jack tells him they don’t have time for that. Curtis says that he has a much better idea. Curtis hits speed dial on his cell phone, and asks for “Two Curtis Specials” to be delivered to the factory site. Heller jumps into the driver’s seat of his car, and he and Audrey leave, knocking over several garbage cans, a mailbox and several pedestrians.

10:09 – We can tell ex-president Manilow is still really mad about getting tricked into resigning the presidency because of the white knuckled grip he has on the steering wheel and on his purse. Since he is mad, he does what any other ex-president would do. He decides to go shopping. He heads to the mall.

10:10 – Seemingly forgotten in the CTU interrogation room, Miles has been struggling with the door to get it open, until he realizes it’s been unlocked the whole time. Miles starts walking backwards out of CTU, hoping to fool the guards into thinking he’s entering the building. He passes the guards, who don’t seem to think a thing of this.

10:11 – Two Harrier jets zoom across the sky toward where Jack and company are standing. The jets hover for a moment, sending orange cheese powder everywhere, and then land. Curtis explains these are special “Curtis equipped Harrier Jets” that he’s been working on with Chloe. They use similar technology that make the cars he’s been driving Jack around in go so fast. Jack jumps into one of the Jets with Chloe, and Curtis gets into the other with Morris. Curtis warns Chloe to watch Jack’s elbows. Chloe tells Curtis that she can always taser Jack. Jack says “Hello! I’m right here!” They go flying off in the jets.


10:16 – Scary wants to hold an official swearing in ceremony. He spends several minutes swearing until someone leans over and tells him that’s not how the ceremony is supposed to go. Also, Manilow is missing. Scary tells his secret service agents to hop into some land cruisers, go after Manilow, and not to forget their light sabers.

10:17 – Heller drives through a hedge, into a tree, and successfully arrives in front of Audrey’s house. More dazed and bewildered that usual, Audrey gets out of the car. Heller tells her to call CTU. Heller drives off, swerving down the road. Audrey turns towards her house. Five ninjas drop on bungee cords from the tree, grab Audrey, and fly back up into the tree… and then drop again, still managing to hold onto Audrey. Then they ricochet back up into the tree again.

10:19 – Somewhere over the US, Jack and Curtis are each flying jet planes towards Miami. Chloe is briefing them about the Herald Hunt over the radio. She says that there’s a good chance that some of The Hunt participants will be able to help them, since they’re extraordinarily intelligent, even by her standards. She explains the object of The Hunt. People are required to solve a series of puzzles. The answers to these puzzles are then used to solve a final puzzle. The people that end up winning get a fantastic prize. Morris mumbles something about the prize being a trip to anywhere away from Miami. Chloe “accidentally” hits the “remote bombardier” button on her control panel, and Morris’ seat goes falling out of Curtis’ plane, parachuting somewhere over Dallas.

10:21 – Miles gets into the parking lot and sneaks over to his car. As he gets there, he sees a small robot poking a hole in his tire, making the last of them flat. The little robot wheels its way over to him, and a telescoping arm hands him a note. It says “Thinking of you. Signed, Chloe”.

10:22 – At the mall, Manilow parks and gets out of his car. As he walks in, we see a lot of men in black suits and sun glasses following him. Manilow turns to see what the noises behind him are, and they all dive behind cars. Manilow doesn’t see anything, so he proceeds into the mall.

10:23 – Miles sees some guards headed towards him in the parking lot, panics, and starts trying to walk backwards to escape. He walks right into Bill, who tells Miles that no amount of moon-walking is going to help him, and that he’s under arrest. Bill orders Miles taken into federal custody.


10:28 – Secretary Heller arrives at the LA compound, strategically using the secret route through the fields and forest, since using the road would have been completely obvious. At the last minute, Agent Aaron decides that jumping and landing on the hood of Heller’s car would be a pretty good idea to avoid injury, and does so.

10:29 (1:29 Eastern Standard Time) – Jack, Chloe and Curtis arrive at Miami International airport, but are unable to get clearance to land from the tower. After arguing with them, Jack tells Curtis they had better find an alternative landing site. They land in a rental car parking lot. They get out of their jets and get into a white Cadillac. They drive off heading south. A tourist that had just put his bags into the trunk is left standing there. Jack calls Bill, who tells Jack that the homing signal is in Coral Gables.

10:31 – Manilow walks into the mall, which is very crowded. He walks past several of the stores and seems surprised that no one seems to recognize him. The men in black suits follow behind Manilow, but he’s completely unaware of them. Manilow gets frustrated that no one seems to recognize him, and he starts smiling and waving at people. Finally, after resorting to doing a tap dance, a lady walks up to Manilow and says “Oh, I know who you’re supposed to be! You know, with a little work, you’d look just like the President!” Manilow tries to convince the lady that it’s really him, but she doesn’t believe him.

10:33 (1:33 Eastern Standstill Time) – Chloe explains to Jack and Curtis that answers to The Hunt puzzles are really tough to figure out, but when you get the solution, it’s blindingly obvious that it’s the right answer. Curtis slams on the breaks, and asks Jack what the heck is going on. Curtis points to a large traffic jam of white cars on the road. Curtis tells Jack that he’s never seen so many cars in all his life. Curtis is confused why there is so much traffic and why it’s not going anywhere, since this never ever happens to him in LA. He says it’s even stranger that every one of the white cars seems to have three people in the front and three people in the back. The cars are moving really slowly.

10:36 (1:36 Eastern Sandwich Time) – Jack jumps out of the car and loudly announces, “I’m Jack Bauer with CTU! Please clear the street!” An old man rolls down his window and tells Jack, “And I’m with Miami Vice! That schtick didn’t work in the 80s, and it’s not going to work now, Sonny Boy!” Chloe whispers something to Jack, and Jack yells “There’s a lunch special at the deli on Collins Avenue and Espanola Way!” Tires squealing, the traffic immediately dissipates. Curtis is visibly relieved. Chloe says that should get that traffic WAY far away from them. They continue to head south.


10:41 (1:41 Eastern Street Time) – Jack, Curtis and Chloe arrive in Coral Gables and park their car on a side street. Jack calls Bill and tells them where they are. Bill says that he has to wait a few more moments because Google Maps isn’t coming up fast enough for him. It finally comes up and Bill tells Jack that the signal is several blocks south of their location.

10:42 (1:42 Eastern Square Time) – The team heads in the direction Bill suggested, and they run across of group of police officers milling around. Jack explains to one of the officers that he’s from CTU. The officer very clearly and distinctly says, “Bleep”. Jack looks at the officer, shakes his head and starts talking to another officer, explaining they may need help getting people cleared out of the area. This officer responds by saying “Bloop”. Jack turns to Chloe, and asks what the heck is going on, when all of the sudden, the officers break out into a square dance. After a few moments of doing this, they stop, and hold up pictures of barnyard animals over their head. A lady to the left of Jack yells, “I got the answer!” and her friends gather around her. Jack looks completely bewildered, and Chloe says that what they’re looking for isn’t here. Jack says that they’ll never find the nuclear device with this going on. A guy standing near Jack says, “Oh, the nuclear device? I saw that a couple of blocks west of here. That was a tough one. I’m going to have to come back to it later”. Jack, Chloe and Curtis all look startled by this and head off in that direction. Jack calls Bill to have a team of experts meet him, and fast.

10:45 (1:45 Exciting Situation Time) – We see a long line of people. At the front of the line, a guy with a Herald Hunt shirt is busily looking at the nuclear weapon sitting on some cement steps leading up to a building. The timer is set and going down.


10:49 (1:49 Explosive Standard Time) – Jack, Chloe and Curtis run up to a long line of people, patiently waiting their turn for something. Jack hears one of them say, “Yes, I messed with it for a few minutes, but couldn’t get it to do a thing. That’s one of the hardest puzzles I’ve seen”. Chloe runs to the front of the line. Just as the guy with the Herald Hunt shirt reaches to touch the nuclear device, Chloe yells for him to stop. Too late. The device makes some whirring noises, and shuts down. The guy looks at the metal container he just deactivated, and kicks it. Curtis faints.

10:52 (1:52 Explanation Standard Time) – As the team of experts (wearing “Team of Experts” t-shirts) arrive, Chloe yells to the crowd, “I’m sorry, but this is not a Hunt puzzle! We have some people here to take this away!” Many of the people waiting in line follow the team of experts as they carry the deactivated nuclear device away.

10:53 (1:53 Enigma Standard Time) – Chloe says, “Jack! That guy over there just deactivated the nuclear device. Where’s Edgar?” Jack points in the direction of another crowd, and says they should check over there. They wake up Curtis and head over to the crowd.

10:54 – A group of ninjas arrive at CTU with Audrey. The ninjas plead with the guards to take Audrey back. The CTU guards refuse to take custody of Audrey, and the ninjas push her towards the guards and run away.

10:55 (1:55 Earplug Standard Time) – A large group of people surround RoboEdgar, who isn’t moving, despite the fact that several people in the crowd are eating food. Volunteer workers are handing out something to people in the crowd, whispering in their ears while they do so. Suddenly, RoboEdgar comes to life, making the crowd take a few steps back. RoboEdgar blasts into the sky, heading east. The crowd applauds.

10:57 (1:57 Examining Standard Time) – As they watch RoboEdgar blast off, someone presses a cylinder into Jack’s hand, and says “It should be obvious” into Jack’s ear. Jack instinctively swings his elbow, and catches Curtis right in the face. Jack apologizes while looking around for who gave him the cylinder, but he can’t tell who did it.

10:58 (1:58 Eastern Secretion Time) – Jack calls Chloe over to take a look at what he has, and what he was told. He hands Chloe the device. It has five rings on it, with letters of the alphabet on each ring. Arrows on either end point towards each other. The device looks slightly different than the one everyone else has. Chloe says that they have to put in a word, and asks Jack what he was told. She thinks for a moment, and dials the letters to a word she’s sure is correct. It doesn’t open.

10:59 (1:59 Eastern Story Time) – Jack takes back the device, shakes it and thinks for a moment. Jack dials the letters to a new word, and the device unlocks. There’s a note inside that simply says “Hurricane Edgar”.

11:00 am – Time’s up!

24: The Next Day – 9 am to 10 am

The following takes place between 9 am and 10 am

9:00 a.m. – Chloe is stunned to see the large metallic “RoboEdgar”, and watches as he goes around the corner of the donut shop. She can’t believe that Edgar hadn’t eaten the two donuts when she saw him walk out of the building, and realizes something must be terribly, terribly wrong.

9:01 – Chloe contacts CTU to let them know about RoboEdgar. Everyone immediately springs into action: Bill checks to make sure that the refrigerator is still stocked, Jack checks his ammo supply, and Howard runs to get his security blanket from his moped. Jack tells Chloe to stay where she is and that someone from CTU will be there soon. Jack grabs Curtis on the way out, and they leave.

9:03 – Back at the LA compound, Cheney Looking Guy (CLG) is back, and he looks a little nervous. VP Scary (VPS) has changed from his VP costume into dark robes with a hood. He tells one of the secret service agents to inform the padwans he wants to see them.

9:04 – CLG tells VPS that he needs to see the Secretary of Defense right away and wants to know where the Secretary is. VPS waves his hand and says “It’s not the Secretary of Defense you’re looking for. Move Along”. CLG tells VPS that he’s not really looking for the Secretary of Defense, and that he has to move along.

9:06 – Ex-president Manilow is driving a car down the expressway when the phone rings. Manilow immediately starts explaining that it’s not his fault that he signed the papers, and if things had gone as planned in the first place, Ex-President AllState wouldn’t have been shot. Then the phone rings again, and Manilow realizes he hasn’t answered the phone, and that he has been talking to himself. This time he answers, and it’s the Guy with the Cell Phone Head Piece in His Ear Which Makes Him Look like a Hollywood Agent. (GWTCPHPIHEWMHLLAHA… which coincidently is a town in Wales).

9:08 – Manilow starts whining about not being the president any more, and Hollywood tells him that if everything goes according to the new plan, he’ll be president again soon.

9:09 – VP Scary says he feels a disturbance in “The Force”, that it’s as if a million people cried out at once and then were silenced. A secret service agent points out that it was probably a million “24” fans realizing that Manilow might be back, and turned off their TVs.


9:14 – Chloe gets impatient and wonders what she can do about RoboEdgar. She remembers there’s an electronics outlet nearby, and gets in her car and the car drives her to it.

9:15 – Audrey goes to her father’s room, announces that the staff says it’s OK for her to take him downstairs to the car, and then home. After a great struggle, she gets him into the wheelchair and starts pushing him down the hallway. The Secretary is making a lot of mumbling noises that Audrey can’t quite make out. Audrey wheels him right past the elevator towards the stairs, and starts to take him down that way. Amazingly, she’s in complete control of the wheelchair – for exactly one stair. The rest of the stairs are less “in control” and more “completely out of control”, and the wheel chair goes bouncing down the entire flight of stairs. Audrey runs after the wheelchair and is completely relieved to find that her father is completely safe, upstairs in his room. She grabbed the wrong person by mistake.

9:19 – Back at CTU, Howard announces to everyone that he, through some intrepid analysis, has discovered that RoboEdgar is knocking over donut shops in order to disable the police departments throughout the city. Bill says that’s very cliché, and if someone were writing about everything that happened right now, that person wouldn’t sink to the level of making a “cops and donuts” reference.

9:21 – Chloe arrives at the electronics store, and heads for the computer section. A store employee named Roger who looks like he’s about twelve goes up and asks Chloe if “the little lady” needs some help. Chloe asks what they have. Roger tells her they have a nice little computer that has 16 MB of RAM, a five and a half inch floppy drive, a dial-up internet account, a 10 inch monitor that would suit her every computing need. Chloe tells him that she was thinking more along the lines of a 1000 node cluster with quad processors with a high speed interconnect, 15 exabytes of storage, 10Gbps networking, and a tiled display wall with at least 40 panels, at a minimum. Roger seems stunned for a second and mumbles something about having to check in back, and starts to leave. Chloe interrupts him and says, “Listen you little embryo, I don’t have time for this. What I really need is three 802.16 compliant devices, a box of Indium Antimonide quantum well transistors, and as many dual processor motherboards as you have.” Roger just stares at her, his mouth opening and closing with no noise coming out. Chloe rolls her eyes, says something about having to improvise, and asks where the rest of the telephones are. Roger points across the store, and Chloe heads over there.

9:25 – Audrey enters the hospital room where her father, the Secretary of Defense is sleeping. He slowly starts to wake up, sees Audrey and screams, “I’m doomed! Saint Peter! I belong up there! I don’t want to burn down here!” Audrey tells him that he doesn’t have to have his room moved upstairs, and that he’s coming with her. The Secretary realizes he’s not dead, but he doesn’t look very reassured that everything will be OK.


9:29 – Jack and Curtis arrive at the donut shop, and don’t see Chloe. They do see the massive devastation that RoboEdgar left behind, as well as many police officers pointing at the donut shop and crying. A man comes running out of the building nearly running into Jack. Jack asks what the big hurry is, and the guy tells him that his name is Agent Morris, and that he needs to make a phone call right away. Jack tells Morris that he and Curtis are both with CTU and asks what he can do to help. Morris explains that the briefcase he was carrying is missing. He put the briefcase down in the donut shop to order something, and the shop was attacked. Jack asks what it is, and Morris tells him it’s a store where they sell pastries, but what’s really important is the briefcase, because it holds a nuclear device that he was transporting. Jack and Curtis look alarmed, but that’s because their digital watches both go off at the same time. Jack calls CTU to let Bill know what’s happening.

9:32 – After he gets off the phone, Jack notices an overturned hot dog cart and heads over to talk the vendors, never noticing that it’s really weird that a hot dog vendor is out at this hour in the morning.

9:33 – Hollywood FINALLY gets Manilow off the phone, and orders one of his Evil Interns to get caller id installed on the phone right away, just in case Manilow tries to call them.

9:34 – Chloe grabs eleven cordless telephones, some extension cords, and a roll of duct tape and heads for the check out lane. While she’s waiting, she has an idea. She grabs a two liter bottle of diet soda pop and a roll of Mentos while she’s waiting. The check out guy starts to try to sell Chloe a maintenance plan for the phones. Chloe pulls out her taser and zaps him, throws the money on the counter, and walks out.

9:36 – As Curtis, Morris and Jack reach the Hot Dog vendor, Curtis tells Jack that he’s seriously considering setting up a perimeter RIGHT NOW, since he hasn’t set one up in over an hour. Jack tells him to hold off a minute while they question a few people.

9:37 – Jack starts to talk to the Hot Dog Guy, who is busy trying to clean up the mess. Jack asks him whether he saw a large metallic man go by this way. Hot Dog Guy tells Jack he saw the guy they’re looking for and that he went up the street, towards the factory. He also says they better get bigger guns because the guns Jack has won’t cut the mustard, and they should hurry if they want to ketchup. Jack squints his eyes at Hot Dog Guy, and Hot Dog Guy says “What? You don’t relish doing that?” Jack tells Hot Dog Guy to stop it with the stupid puns, or he’ll shoot him. Hot Dog Guy says, “OK, OK, I’m sorry. I knew the puns were cheesy”. Jack shoots him in the thigh.

9:39 – Audrey’s in front of the hospital with her father, and they’re arguing about who’s going to drive. Audrey says tells him that she’s losing her patience, and a passing doctor that he has a problem with losing his patients too.


9:44 – Chloe calls Jack. Jack asks where she is, and she explains that she’s going to try and improvise a tracking device. Jack says that acting like a tracking device at a moment like this isn’t probably the best thing to do, and tells Chloe that she should try building one instead. Chloe has a look on her face that would make Jack happy he’s not anywhere in taser range.

9:45 – Audrey finally lets her father take the keys, but only after he shows her the spare skin diving suit in his trunk. Audrey asks her father to try not to take a short cut like the last time he was at the wheel. They go driving off.

9:46 – Chloe tells Jack that she forgot the batteries, just as we see and hear a loud explosion behind Chloe, several blocks away. Jack asks what that is, and Chloe tells him it’s a small power source that can run electronic equipment, but the explosion is probably more important right now. Chloe says she’s not sure what exploded, but there sure is a lot of orange smoke in the air several blocks away. Chloe says she’s going to use the battery from her phone to finish the tracking device, and then head toward where the explosion happened. Jack looks around and sees the orange smoke too, and heads off in that direction with Curtis and Morris.

9:48 – Jack calls Audrey, and asks if she or her father have been in any explosions lately. Audrey says no, but that she saw one several blocks away. The Secretary jumps in the car and heads off toward where they heard the explosion.

9:49 – The Secretary stops the car, backs up and picks up Audrey. They both head off toward where the explosion happened.

9:50 – Chloe, Jack, Curtis, Morris, Audrey and the Secretary of Defense arrive in front of a large snack food factory, exactly at the same time.

9:51 – There’s orange “smoke” everywhere. Some lands on Jack, he tastes it, and tells everyone it’s powdered cheese. Jack asks a completely orange lady what happened. The orange lady, with orange cheese puffs in her hair, powdered orange face and an orange poodle points down the street, and says “Him!” We see orange footprints leading away from where the orange lady is pointing. There, walking away from them in the middle of the street is RoboEdgar, covered with orange cheese powder.


9:55 – Jack takes starts to take aim and Chloe stops him to point out the briefcase on the sidewalk. Jack and Morris rush over to the briefcase, only to find it empty. They turn around and Chloe is making her way toward RoboEdgar, who is still facing away from them. Jack yells at Chloe to get out of the way, and Chloe tells him that this is the only way. Jack points out that bullets have always worked pretty well for him, and he can think of quite a few other things to do right now. Chloe ignores this, and is able to sneak up behind RoboEdgar to slap the tracking device on his back with the duct tape.

9:56 – RoboEdgar turns around and sees Chloe. She tries to talk to him, but he doesn’t respond. She tries to hand him the roll of Mentos, while still trying to communicate with him. He still doesn’t recognize her at all. She sets down the 2 liter bottle of soda pop, and RoboEdgar grabs it and drinks it all without stopping to finish the Mentos. About a second later, soda pop goes flying out of his mouth, nose and ears. He looks REALLY mad. He swats Chloe to the ground, and presses a button on his chest. Rockets under his feet start to fire, and he lifts off into the sky, leaving in a cloud of orange dust. Chloe is covered with it.

9:58 – Jack runs to Chloe to see if she’s OK, and asks her why she did something like that. Chloe tells him she needed to get the tracking device on RoboEdgar so they could figure out who built him and where he was headed. She tells Jack that she brought the Mentos and the diet soda pop in case she needed to distract RoboEdgar. Jack asks if she noticed a manufacturing label on RoboEdgar, but Chloe said she didn’t see one.

9:59 – Bill calls Jack on speaker phone and tells him that CTU just received a tracking signal headed east at high speed. Jack asks where RoboEdgar could be headed, and Bill says that from the direction and trajectory, it seems likely that RoboEdgar was headed to Florida. Jack asks what the heck is happening in Florida. Howard says that they’re having some kind of an event in Miami, and that if RoboEdgar still has that nuclear device with him, the people at that event could be in really big trouble. Jack asks what event is happening there, and Chloe says that she knows. She tells Jack that there’s a large puzzle game that happens every year in Miami, and it attracts thousands of people. Jack asks what it’s called, and she says, “The Herald Hunt”.

10:00 am – Time’s up!

24: The Next Day – 8am to 9am

The following takes place between 8 am and 9 am

8:00 – A limo with a bumper sticker saying “My other car is Air Force One” rolls up to the LA presidential compound, and several secret service agents get out. No one else gets out. After waiting a few moments, two agents reach inside the limo and try and pull President Manilow out. They have a hard time because he’s holding on to the limo door, arms completely outstretched while the agents pull on his legs. Manilow yells, “You can’t make me go! You can’t make me!”

8:02 – Chloe is still on the phone with Bill, who’s nearly back at CTU. Chloe tells Bill she saw the Chinese ship sink about five miles from the coast, and she thinks that Jack didn’t make it. Bill tells Chloe that he’s pretty sure that Jack floats in water, and not to worry.

8:03 – Marine life all around him in the water, Jack, still groggy from being passed out, looks around the lifeboat he ended up in. At first he tries to remember what kind of party he went to the night before, and then realizes what happened. He has nothing but a couple of oars and a rope. Jack looks at his JackPhone sees that it’s out of power, and gets so mad that he kicks an oar that breaks in half. Jack looks at the broken oar and gets a gleam in his eye.

8:05 – Three secret service agents carry Manilow through the hallways of the LA presidential compound to a room where VP Scary is waiting. The VP confronts Manilow with a piece of paper, and tells him that he has to sign it. Manilow puts his fingers in his ears and starts repeating “La La La! I can’t hear you! Can’t hear what you’re saying!”

8:08 – Audrey’s still in the park crying about the squirrel she saw, but doesn’t seem to notice that several other squirrels have joined the first squirrel. The squirrels all have squirrelly looks on their faces, which is probably good, since they are, in fact, squirrels.

8:09 – Bill arrives at CTU, sees Miles, and tells the guards to put him into interrogation room one. One of the CTU agents, Harold, tells Bill that everything in LA is returning to normal, but there’s been some looting during the night. Bill tells Harold that the lute is
one of his favorite instruments, but what he really wanted to know about was what vandalism might have occurred. Harold tells him that it’s mainly donut shops, and that several stores appeared to have one or both of their outer walls broken in.

8:11 – Mrs. Manilow arrives at the LA compound with Cheney Looking Guy. She grabs the papers from VP Scary and shakes them in front of Manilow. She tells him that signing these papers will be for the good of the country. Manilow says that he’ll never sign papers resigning his presidency. Mrs. Manilow laughs and tells him that the papers
will get him off of another season of “24”. Manilow squeals with delight and faints.

8:13 – Chloe calls Bill and tells him that she spotted something traveling away from the boat wreckage, and she thinks its Jack. Bill tells her to close up what she’s doing and head back to CTU, and then he calls Curtis to head to the beach to see what he can find. Curtis grabs a metal detector, and leaves.


8:17 – Audrey finally stops crying. She doesn’t see there are at least twenty squirrels behind her. She takes about two steps, and the squirrels all move in the same direction. Audrey starts to run for her car, and the squirrels start running after her.

8:18 – Manilow wakes up and signs the papers. VP Scary and Mrs. Manilow start to laugh, and tell him that he really signed papers giving up the presidency, and not papers terminating is contract. Manilow tells them that the last laugh will be on them, grabs his
purse and makes a phone call as he leaves the building.

8:19 – Curtis is out on the beach with a metal detector when he notices there’s very loud triumphant music playing from somewhere. We see Jack, a piece of broken oar in each hand, using them to steer two dolphins that he’s water skiing on top of. Jack arrives on shore, and he waves down Curtis.

8:20 – Disaster! Audrey makes it to her car in time, leaving the squirrels outside. There are many squirrels on top of her car as she drives away.

8:21 – Curtis meets Jack, and they head off to CTU.

8:22 – Curtis, putting his extensive knowledge of back roads to good use yet again, arrives at CTU with Jack, apologizing for taking so long.

8:23 – Chloe heads back to her car, ready to go back to CTU to see Jack. As she leaves her house, the doors close and lock by themselves, and her car’s doors open by themselves. Chloe tells the car to go into “self drive” mode, and takes a short nap while the car drives itself to CTU. A squirrel flies by her windshield, but she doesn’t notice.

8:25 – Driving wildly in the other direction is Audrey, squirrels all over her car. Fortunately for Audrey, the squirrels don’t seem to be able to hold on very well. Traffic behind Audrey’s car is swerving all over the place to avoid the squirrels.


8:29 – Bill greets Curtis and Jack as they enter CTU. Bill hands Jack a new battery for his JackPhone, and tells Jack that he should get some sleep. Jack tells Bill that there will be more than enough time for that when the crisis is over, and wants to know what the current situation is. Bill looks at Curtis and says there is no “current situation”. The only situation was that Jack had been missing. Jack asks about the terrorists, and Bill tells them they’re all dead. Jack asks about Robocop, and then stops himself when he realizes he gave some bullets to Robocop using his gun earlier. Jack looks incredibly disappointed, and Bill tells him he’s very sorry. Bill says he could send Harold out with a five-minute head start, but Jack says that it wouldn’t be the same.

8:31 – The last squirrel on Audrey’s car makes a particularly scary squirrel face as it slides off the windshield. Audrey screams, and she drives off the road into a middle of a field, luckily missing all the workers in the field.

8:32 – Audrey’s car comes to a stop, and she’s out of gas. She looks around and sees there is something really weird about what she thought were workers. They’re all wearing black hats and black pants, and their faces are white.

8:33 – Bill calls Chloe, waking her up as he car continues to drive. Bill says that Jack is back at CTU now, and not to worry. Chloe decides that since nobody ate anything nearly all day yesterday that it would be a good idea to go to a donut shop to bring in some donuts back to CTU.

8:34 – Jack’s phone rings, and its Audrey. She tells Jack she’s happy to hear his voice and starts crying.

8:37– Three minutes later, Audrey finally finishes crying, and explains what happened and mentions the people in the field that she sees. She tells Jack that she’s about to leave the car to ask one of the people in the field for help. Jack says, “Audrey, listen very carefully. Do not exit the car. We’re coming to get you.” When she asks why, Jack tells her that she’s in extreme danger because she’s in the middle of a mime field. Jack runs to his car.


8:41 – Miles is in interrogation room one talking to the mirror, saying that it’s all over. He’s going on and on about why he sided with Manilow, and that he hopes they take his extensive service with Homeland Security into account. No one answers. He says it that he knows they’re behind the mirror there. There’s no one behind the mirror. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Miles is in interrogation room one.

8:44 – Jack arrives at the mime field, and sees Audrey’s car. The mimes are using all their powers against Jack. Some of them are walking against the wind, others are inside invisible boxes, and one is even imitating Jack. They all look really innocent, but we can see that several have pulled out guns.

8:45 – Jack is slowly making his way through the mime field when he hears a weird noise and something goes by his head. Then another. Jack realizes that the mimes are shooting at him! He says, “How can I have been so STUPID? They’re using silencers!” Jack can’t stand it any longer, yells “A mime is a wonderful thing to waste” and starts shooting mime thighs.

8:47 – Jack shoots all of the mimes. The mimes are all gesturing wildly. Jack reaches Audrey’s car, and he tells her to follow him. They both run to Jack’s car and head back to CTU.


8:52 – Audrey and Jack arrive back at CTU. Jack tells Bill to have someone clean up the mime field, and that since there doesn’t seem to be anything going on, he’s going to leave to take Audrey to see her father, the Secretary of Defense. As Jack turns to leave, Bill says that they have is Miles in interrogation room one, and Jack can interrogate Miles if he wants to. Jack tells Audrey that he needs to do this, and sends Audrey ahead to meet her father at the hospital. Bill and Jack head for the interrogation room.

8:54 – Miles is in interrogation room one, and is babbling and laughing to himself. Bill asks what’s so funny. Miles says that they’re all doomed, and that Manilow had something up his sleeves. Jack says that he knows Manilow has arms up his sleeves, because he’s seen Manilow in person. Miles says that he didn’t mean and that Manilow had a fail-safe plan. Jack asks what it’s called, and Miles says “The Fail Safe Plan”.

8:56 – Chloe’s car rolls up to a donut shop, and there seems to be an unusual disturbance there. As Chloe is getting out of her car, she seems people screaming as they go running out of the shop. Chloe assumes they’ve run out of coffee and makes a mental note to pick up some after she picks up the donuts.

8:58 – Jack turns to Bill and says, “Don’t you realize? Manilow – Marwan – Miles… All these bad guys have names that start with the letter ‘M’!” Miles points out that the Impeccable English Speaking Terrorist didn’t have a name that started with “M”, and Jack tells him to shut up. Jack then tells Miles that he’ll shoot Miles in the thigh unless Miles tells him what’s going to happen. Miles laughs and tells Jack that it’s already too late; the robot has been released hours ago, and it’s already devastating the city.

8:59 – Chloe is slowly moving towards the donut shop. There’s a HUGE crash as both doors are blown off their hinges, leaving a large metallic figure standing in the doorway, cruller in one hand, and a donut with sprinkles in the other. Chloe turns paler than usual and says, “It can’t be! You’re dead!” Standing in the doorway is: RoboEdgar.

9:00 – Time’s up!