Interview with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse

Here’s a MediaBlvd Magazine interview with Lost Executive Producers: Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse

They talk about Season 3, and how our view of what we’ve learned about The Others so far might change by the end of the season.

This quote from Carlton Cuse really stuck out:

If we forced the storytelling, you would feel worse. Henry Gale was going to be in two episodes and the actor was so awesome that we ended up having him be in eight. But, the plan to discover a prisoner in the hatch and then have him turn out to be a significant member of The Others was always in play.

The way I read that, it sounded like “the prisoner in the hatch” (Desmond) is supposed to be a member of The Others… I have to assume this was a mistake, since they were talking about Henry Gale right before that.

Six Articles before the Lost Premiere

It’s LOST Premiere Night!

As expected, there are a LOT of articles about Lost in various papers today. I’ve gotten six of those together here so you can get your LOST fix before the show tonight:

Houston Chronicle – contains spoilers
Mercury News – contains spoilers
USAToday – Highlights The Others
London Free Press – article about a new LOST book which was release yesterday
Toronto Star – quick article about Lindelof and Abrams
Arizona Republic – Quick synopsis before tonight’s show

Article about the lead writers of LOST

USA Today is running an article that describes the relationship between LOST writers Carlton Cuse and David Lindelof. It describes how they first started working together, how Cuse is the “science” guy and Lindelof the “pop culture” guy, and the mini “Lost museum” Lindelof has in his office.

I was surprised to find out that Lindelof was so overwhelmed by the Lost project at first that he nearly quit three times! It’s a good thing he didn’t!