LOST – Thoughts on “The Substitute”


Interesting episode! We finally see the appearance of “The Numbers”: 4 – Locke, 8 – Reyes, 15 – Ford, 16 – Jarrah, 23 – Shepard, 42 – Kwon. If those are the “candidates” for Jacob’s replacement, as of right now we can cross off 4 and 16, since Locke is dead, and by all appearances, Sayid probably isn’t far behind. That leaves 8, 23, and 42. And, while Un-Locke says that he’s not sure if “42” refers to Sun or Jin, I would guess it would be Jin, simply because all the rest of them are guys.

A new mystery – That blonde kid that kept popping up, said something like “You know the rules, you can’t kill him.” Sure seems like he was talking about Sawyer, and if that’s true, I’d say we have our Jacob replacement, if it finally comes to that. Sawyer alluded to that last episode when he told Kate that he guessed that some people were just meant to be alone.

So who was that kid? A mini Jacob? An older Aaron? No telling so far.

More characters reappeared with Locke – Helen, Rose, Ben, Hurley. I thought it was pretty funny that Randy (Locke’s boss) was a jerk in both timelines.
Ben, from the brief time we saw him, seemed pretty much the opposite of the way we’ve known him. This version of Ben seemed desperate to try and control things, but was frustrated that he couldn’t.

The biggest question now is, how does Un-Locke expect to get off the island, even with Sawyer’s help?

What did you think of the episode?

Edit: Forgot the very first thing I was going to post: Did you notice how Helen said something to Locke about having his father come to the wedding? Sure surprised me to hear that!

LOST: Thoughts on What Kate Does

A few thoughts about tonight’s LOST episode, “What Kate Does”:

I’m glad there was a storyline where Kate and Claire interacted, rather than just letting them pass by each other.

Did you notice how Kate looked at Jack when she saw him again, while she was in the cab at the airport?

I liked the fact that Ethan was at the hospital, but it really makes me wonder… If The Others exist, wouldn’t he still be part of them? After all, Ethan was on the island (as a baby) when the bomb went off, right? Or am I getting my timelines wrong? If he survived, more people did, because that would be the only way he could have gotten off the island.

The pretty much telegraphed that pill they wanted to give to Sayid was something that would kill him, and I thought it was a nice touch that Jack took it himself. Now, the real question is this: The Others told the 815ers that it wouldn’t be good if they couldn’t save Sayid. Sayid comes back, they give him a test, decide he’s been “infected”, and want to kill him. So… it’s not good if Sayid dies, and it’s really not good that he came back. Either way it’s bad. And, as most of us suspected, it’s not going to end well for Sayid, no matter what happens.

So, back to this infection…Rousseau really did know what she was talking about. Remember that she said that she didn’t want the infection spreading to the mainland, and that it was important to kill anyone that was infected? I guess all those doses of vaccine in The Hatch really were important too. I would guess it was less important that people took it to prevent infection while they were alive, and that the important thing was to have it in their system once they were dead to prevent them from coming back. Pretty much like what happened to Claire (at least, according to Dogen said).

Which brings up a good point… Is Christian infected too? Was that ghost Claire in the cabin with ghost Christian? Or were they both the infected versions?

I gotta say, for all the joking around the Lost producers did about this being the zombie season, it sure looks that way to me.

That’s it for now. What did you think of tonight’s show?

LOST Theories: Who Was In The Cabin?

Spoilers ahead

Who was in that cabin that had the ash all around it?

If it was Jacob, why was he in there? Why would someone put ash around the cabin, if he was unable to be harmed by the Man in Black?

If it was The Man In Black in the cabin, it’s obvious they’d want to contain him, so it all point to him being the one stuck in that cabin.

The problem with that theory is something that was revealed in last night’s season premiere: The Man In Black is the smoke monster. We saw the smoke monster numerous times over the last few years, so the Man in Black couldn’t have been in the cabin. If he had been, the circle of ash would have kept him in there.

LOST Questions: Where Are They?


You know what we should be really asking ourselves about the sideways timeline?

If the island is underwater, what the heck happened to Jacob and the Man in Black?

I don’t think we’ll find out until later, but my suspicion is that since The Island is underwater, the Man in Black is now back “home”, and whatever that means, it can’t be good.

Lost Season 6 – LA X – Some thoughts


It’s great to see LOST back, and it was great seeing the new episodes!

OK… a bunch of random thoughts:

It appears that the narrative Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (the producers of LOST) are going to use this season is dual timelines: One where Flight 815 never crashed, and the other which picks back up where last season left off. Are these timelines going to converge?

One of the biggest questions was answered: What was the smoke monster? The Man in Black. Of course, in true LOST fashion, a new question cropped up. He told Ben that he wanted to go home… Where, exactly, is “home”?

Another more minor question was also answered: The ash. The ash was used quite a bit during the premiere, and we saw that it was indeed a protective mechanism. At least, it should have been… didn’t quite work out that well. The real question is, what was the ash at the cabin protecting? Was it Jacob? I think at this point we have to assume it was, but then… why was the ash circle found to be broken when Ilana saw it last season?

Killing the Man in Black will be difficult…. notice how the bullets bounced off of him? Anyone attempting to kill the Man in Black will they themselves be killed. I don’t think he can kill them otherwise. I think of all the survivors, Sayid and Sawyer in the most trouble in this regard.

The real big thing was seeing Sayid come back from the dead. Did you notice how Miles had a weird look on his face when he was near “dead” Sayid? He realized that something wasn’t quite right. I think this bodes well for Locke… he could be back from the dead too.

Another interesting thing was watching Richard’s reaction when he realized that it wasn’t really Locke. Especially when “Locke” said something about the shackles, which apparently alluded to the slave ship, the Black Rock.

I also thought it was interesting that the “Man in Black” said the Locke realized he had a “pitiful life” before they got to the island. In a way, all the main 815ers did. Locke had an unhappy life after his marriage, Sawyer turned out to be a killer, Kate was on the run, Hurley was bad luck for all those around him, Sayid was a torturer.

One of my big questions is: Does Christian Shepard’s lost coffin have an significance?

That’s it for now. I’m going to watch everything again pretty soon, and write some more thoughts after I do.

What did you think of tonight’s show?

LOST Theories: Handing Over The Keys To The Island

I, like most other LOST fans, have been trying to figure out how things are going to be resolved, and I’ve come up with something I think is pretty plausible.

I’ve come to believe that not only are The Others caretakers of The Island, but they’re facilitators to make sure that in case the balance of The Island shifts, that they have some means to correct it.

Now, I have NO idea what circumstances will lead to this, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that since Jacob is now dead, rules on the island are going to shift pretty dramatically, and the only way to stop bad things from happening is to get rid of the Man in Black. I think that’s the likely focus of this season.

Since the balance has to be retained, they’re going to need replacements? But who?

I think that Widmore is finally going to get his wish. He’s going to come back to the island, and gain some control. I think that in the end, it’s not going to be what he expects. I believe that he’s going to take the place of the Man in Black, and he’s really not going to like it.

Jacob’s replacement? Now, logically, I think it would have to be Locke… the big downside of this theory is that he’s not alive. But, who said that he has to be alive? Who ever said that Jacob and the Man in Black are alive? Maybe Ben’s “killing” Jacob wasn’t really a death in the classic sense, but just a dispersal of whatever being Jacob was?

I kinda ruled out Ben, simply because I don’t think he’s the right guy to replace either of them… although it would be pretty ironic to have Widmore and Ben be in the eternal struggle on the island. Perhaps everything Ben has recently gone through will make him the right candidate?

So, what do you think? Off base? Right on? Somewhere in between?

LOST Theories: More Theories Before Season 6 Starts

Spoilers ahead – You’ve been warned….

If you haven’t seen the LOST Season 6 Promo, go watch it now. I’ll be here….

…You back? Good.

Here are some random theories:

1) It didn’t occur to me until just now, but just because Jack is wearing that jumpsuit in the promo, it doesn’t mean they’re still in 1977. In fact, darn near the only way they wouldn’t have been vaporized is for them to be transported to a different time. Whether that’s present day, or earlier in the LOST timeline, it’s hard to say.

On the one hand, if it is earlier, then the Jack being his own grandfather seems more likely (although, as I’ve said before, it could take place because Jack turns that wheel). It would be quite something for Jack to be off the island until he grew old and for him to return.

On the other hand, if you watch the promos, “Locke” (probably the Man in Black) is talking to Sawyer, and in the very last scene, it appears he’s talking to Richard Alpert. That probably indicates being in the present day.

2) My earlier theory about Sayid getting branded as “not one of The Others” probably isn’t right either. I mean, if he’s one of The Others, why get branded? Because he’s with them, but not one of them? Seems kinda weird. It makes a lot more sense if he were branded to become an Other. Who knows though… maybe he got branded because he tried to steel one of the island cows….

OK… on to new things:

3) What if Richard Alpert is actually Jacob in disguise? It sure would explain him not aging. It might be the Jacob brought the ship to the island, and once the real Richard died, Jacob took his place. Maybe the “dead” Richard were disguised as Jacob this whole time. What a perfect disguise for Jacob to be in while the Man In Black tried to carry out his “loophole” scheme.

4) If Locke is really dead, is he going to be back as Locke… in any way? I mean, from the promo and from what we’ve seen at the end of last season, sure seems as though Locke is still being portrayed as the Man in Black. Locke may come back as some kind of guide, and perhaps we’ll see “present day” Locke return. Whatever happens, I hope we do see him as Locke (not MiB), since he’s such a great character.

5) Why in the heck was Ben trying to get women to have babies on the island? What happened between Horace Goodspeed’s child being born and the start of the show which made it impossible for women to carry to full term? The bomb maybe? Then we probably wouldn’t see a lot of wildlife on the island, because it would probably be a problem for them too. Maybe a curse? Possibly. I do think that one of the reasons Ben wanted women to carry to full term was so the island could go “independent”. Meaning, they’d cut all ties to the “real world”, so they’d never have to go back, and they’d keep the island away from Widmore.

Any theories or thoughts? Write ’em in the comments.