LOST – Ab Aeterno – Theories and Thoughts


FINALLY we get to see Richard’s back story. As a lot of people thought, he did come over on the Black Rock as a slave. What I didn’t expect at all was that the Black Rock was what smashed the statue to pieces. It sure didn’t take long for ol’ Smokey to show up, but then I guess if you’re trapped on an island, you’ll look around for anything new and different.
Up until now I’d suspected that Jacob’s power was of life and death over people. Life for Richard, since he never aged, and that was confirmed tonight. Death, since a lot of dead people roam around on that island. Although, I suppose that’s not strictly Jacob’s doing. Anyway what we saw tonight showed that his powers extend further than I suspected.

Some random thoughts and observations:

  • Ab Aeterno – Since the beginning of time
  • The Isabella we saw on the ship with Richard was not really Isabella; it was the Man in Black. That might have been obvious to most of you, but I thought I’d point that out anyway. But that was who Hurley was talking to when he was asked about it at the beach.
  • Did Richard’s “I changed my mind” actually do anything? In other words, by saying those words, did he jump sides, even though he’s going to help out Hurley and the gang? I sure hope not. I think Isabella’s words are the thing that are going to carry Richard through to the end.
  • When the Man in Black was talking to Richard, he alluded to the fact that he’d been trapped on the island. This is still in line with my theory that a normal human being was transformed (somehow) into the vessel that’s holding “evil”. It’s likely that the Man in Black went looking for that power in the first place, not realizing that by accepting it, he would be trapped on the island. I really think this is how Widmore is going to end up.
  • Man, Jacob had quite a temper, eh? He really beat the snot out of Richard on that beach.
  • Did you notice that both times people who’ve been instructed to not let them speak before knifing them (“or it will be too late”), that both Sayid and Richard did exactly that? Sayid let UnLocke speak, and Richard let Jacob speak.
  • I liked Jacob’s explanation using that wine bottle.
  • Something I’ve been wondering since the last episode: Can The Man in Black go to Hydra island? Can he even go in the water?
  • All in all, a good episode. I’m a little surprised it went on as long as it did, since there was a lot less action than I expected, but a nice long episode of LOST is just fine with me.

What did you think?

LOST Theories – Cain and Abel?

Peter Ho-Sing-Loy writes:

Do you think this is a Cain and Abel story where they are fighting for
Eden…over and over and over

I have to say that I don’t believe this theory, simply because there is too much Egyptian imagery on the show. The four-toed statue, for example is of Taweret, the Egyptian god of childbirth and fertility.

Now that’s not to say that I believe that Jacob was really Taweret – the big reason for this is that Taweret is female. I think it’s much more likely that Jacob is in fact, Sobek-Ra.

From Wikipedia:

Sobek’s ambiguous nature led some Egyptians to believe that he was a repairer of evil that had been done, rather than a force for good in itself, for example, going to Duat to restore damage done to the dead as a result of their form of death. He was also said to call on suitable gods and goddesses required for protecting people in situation, effectively having a more distant role, nudging things along, rather than taking an active part. In this way, he was seen as a more primal god, eventually becoming regarded as an avatar of the primal god Amun, who at that time was considered the chief god. When his identity finally merged, Amun had become merged himself with Ra to become Amun-Ra, so Sobek, as an avatar of Amun-Ra, was known as Sobek-Ra.

Following along this line, the Man in Black could be the personification of Ammut, the demon that devoured souls that were considered unworthy when judge in the afterlife. (Yeah, that goes against the who male/female thing I stated earlier, since Ammut is female).

It’s possible that what we’ll learn is that while the Egyptians believed all this, the real “truth” that will be revealed in LOST may be that the people the Egyptians considered to be gods are actually placeholders for good and evil. Maybe vessels would be a better word. In other words, I don’t think that Jacob and the Man in Black are good and evil personified, rather “good” took over whoever Jacob was in a previous life to look after “evil”. Evil had to be held in place (You folks who play World of Warcraft and know the story of Arthas the Lich King, and his successor will understand what I mean by “held in place) by someone willing to do so. That’s where the Man in Black came into the picture. He wanted the power, but didn’t fully understand what the implications of that power were. In other words, he can have all the power he wanted, but he’s stuck on the island.

He was probably tricked into that role by the previous vessel. I think his plan is to give that over to Widmore or really has no idea what he’s getting himself into.

Jacob’s role is likely to be taken over by Ben… at least that’s my current guess. Widmore and Ben are already enemies, and there’s nobody else on the island who wants to keep it safe more than Ben does.

The island itself? Likely the original Garden of Eden. ….Hey, I know, I know…but if you have a better guess for what that place is, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Thanks for the question, Peter!

LOST – Recon – Thoughts and Theories


This week’s LOST episode is titled “Recon”, which is interesting since it can be taken as either “reconnaissance” or “to con again”.

Just a couple of thoughts about tonight’s show.

  • Loved the fact that Sawyer is a police officer, and that Miles is his partner
  • I swore up and down that Sawyer’s date was going to end up being Juliet, but it turned out to be Charlotte
  • Another mirror in this episode … so far every episode has shown one of the characters looking into a mirror
  • I thought it was pretty obvious that Kate was the one that was running at the end. Seems as though they’ve started to try to intermingle the different storylines
  • Pretty spooky twist – That UnLocke planted the seed in Kate’s mind that giving Aaron to a crazy woman wouldn’t end up too well. Question is, how the heck do they get Aaron into the picture? Did Widmore bring him?
  • Those pylons are a lot more high tech than the old ones.
  • Did you notice that Sawyer came up with the idea that Widmore wants UnLocke? Widmore didn’t say a thing about what he really wanted.
  • They did a cross with Charlie’s brother in the police station.
  • Every single time UnLocke asks someone to do something for him, he’s got another reason for having them do it. I think UnLocke is completely aware that Sawyer is in this for himself, and sent him precisely because he’s expendable. If Sawyer’s really not on his side, and he loses him, he doesn’t lose someone that’s really loyal to him.
  • anything could be significant). I know he’s touched Sawyer, since he grabbed him when he fell on the ladder. Not sure about anyone else.
  • Gotta love that Sawyer’s code word in the sideways flash was “LaFleur”
  • All in all, a decent episode. Certainly not as great as last week’s, but interesting. The writer’s seem to be going down the path of showing how much better everyone’s life will be on the island, at least for the most part. Gonna have to reserve judgement based on what we see happen to Kate and Jin.

    What did you think of tonight’s episode? What do YOU notice?

LOST – Dr. Linus – Theories and Observations

Spoilers ahead

Some thoughts about tonight’s LOST – Dr. Linus:

Dharma did exist on the island, at least long enough for Ben and his father to be there for a while, and for them to leave.

It was great seeing Alex again.

Ben sure digs a nice neat burial plot.

Richard confirmed he was on the Black Rock before.

Somehow, Illana knows all about the candidates. She says there are six, which I presume are Sun, Jin, Hurley, Jack, Kate and Sawyer. I think there might actually be a seventh, but more on that later.

So we find out that that Jacob’s touch make it impossible for the person who was touched to die by their own hand, and I would say from what the young boy who appeared to Locke a few episodes ago, Locke can’t kill them either. He tried to get Ben to kill Illana, because he can’t.

Ah, and all the theories about Widmore being the one that Jacob was referring to when he said someone was coming to the island, were right. Seems like he’s the one that will get the Man in Black off the island.

Now, remember all those people that Jacob touched? Think you know everyone? Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Sayid, Jack, Locke….and Ben. Yep, Ben. I think I mentioned this in an earlier post. Anyway, it certainly means a lot more now.

In fact, it could very well be that Ben might end up being the most important person on the island. What if HE was the person that took over for Jacob? He devoted his entire life to the island. Who better to keep it safe, and to be there to keep the Man in Black in check?

I’m just going to throw this out – What if the only way the Man in Black can leave the island is to transfer his powers to someone else? Who would that be? My guess is Widmore. He and Ben might be the two new replacements for MiB and Jacob.

Finally, I’m glad Ben survived. He’s a great character.

LOST – Sundown


A few thoughts, observations and questions about tonight’s LOST episode – Sundown

Jack was in the hospital when Sayid saw Nadia.

The only reason I can think of that Jin would have been in that chill chest at is that he went to deliver a message to Keamy.

Why on earth did Kate leave with Claire, Sayid and Locke, especially after seeing everything she did in that courtyard?

So, we find out that Sayid was dead for TWO HOURS, which is much longer than I thought.

It sure seemed that Dogen knew that Sayid was going to kill him, even before he did. He seemed resigned to his fate.

Where they heck are Jin and Sawyer right now?

In thinking about this over the past week and after seeing what we saw tonight, it seems as though they’re setting up Jack and Hurley to be the new head honchos on the island. Jack as the new leader of the remaining “Others”, and Hurley as a Jacob replacement.

Yeah, I know, I know…Hurley? Really? Well, Jacob has been hanging out with Hurley a LOT. Everyone else that’s left seems to be a lot more reactionary than Hurley too, so that’s in his favor.

I’m really beginning to believe that once they find a way to kill The Man in Black (MiB) in the form of John Locke, someone is going to have to take over that role, whether they like it or not. If MiB is telling the truth, that he was a man at some point in the past, something caused him to turn him that way. If they “kill” Locke (whatever that means at this point), someone might have to take over.

A couple of things about last week’s episode.

The person coming to the island is very likely to be Widmore.

Linus and Friendly were names that were scratched off on the wheel.

Claire confirmed that Smokey showed up as Jack’s Dad to her. That means that Jack’s dad himself and Smokey may be been appearing in the same guise all this time.

That’s it for now.

What did you think?

LOST Theories: Duplicates

I’ve gone back and forth about how LOST is going to end, and what the whole meaning of the “sideways” timelines are, and how everything might resolve in those timelines.

I obviously don’t have the answer to exactly what will happen, and anyone outside of the actors and the people in the writer’s room don’t have the answers either. That being said, I want to float this idea out there:

The two timelines co-exist. The “sideways” timeline, is the result of what happened when the bomb exploded. Everything on the island went underwater. At the same time, and a few years later, the 815ers we’ve come to know are running around.

Remember how Ms. Hawking once said that time has a way of course correcting? We’re in the middle of the mother of all course corrections. Think about this: If people in one time line are dead, and alive in another… why not the island? In other words, it’s possible that since two islands couldn’t exist at the same time any more than two people could exist at the same time, one of the islands had to go. The island that we’re seeing with the 815ers will continue. In other words, it’s not going to sink any time soon just because the other one did.

This leads to an interesting (well, at least I think so) hypothesis: Since two people probably can’t exist in the world at the same time without the timeline course correcting itself, we’re going to see each of the people that haven’t died yet…well, die. That would likely mean that “bad luck” Hurley would die. Sawyer, who at this point appears to be the one that’s going to save the island from Smoke Monster Locke, will likely survive. Feral Claire will likely die too. It’s also possible that the people that died in the old timeline will be back, and will continue to live: Charlie, Shannon, Boone, etc.

At some point the people that survived will become aware of this whole situation, probably through memories in much the same way that Desmond became aware of two time periods.

I don’t have much more about this for right now, but I thought I’d float that out there. What do you think?

LOST – Thoughts on “The Substitute”


Interesting episode! We finally see the appearance of “The Numbers”: 4 – Locke, 8 – Reyes, 15 – Ford, 16 – Jarrah, 23 – Shepard, 42 – Kwon. If those are the “candidates” for Jacob’s replacement, as of right now we can cross off 4 and 16, since Locke is dead, and by all appearances, Sayid probably isn’t far behind. That leaves 8, 23, and 42. And, while Un-Locke says that he’s not sure if “42” refers to Sun or Jin, I would guess it would be Jin, simply because all the rest of them are guys.

A new mystery – That blonde kid that kept popping up, said something like “You know the rules, you can’t kill him.” Sure seems like he was talking about Sawyer, and if that’s true, I’d say we have our Jacob replacement, if it finally comes to that. Sawyer alluded to that last episode when he told Kate that he guessed that some people were just meant to be alone.

So who was that kid? A mini Jacob? An older Aaron? No telling so far.

More characters reappeared with Locke – Helen, Rose, Ben, Hurley. I thought it was pretty funny that Randy (Locke’s boss) was a jerk in both timelines.
Ben, from the brief time we saw him, seemed pretty much the opposite of the way we’ve known him. This version of Ben seemed desperate to try and control things, but was frustrated that he couldn’t.

The biggest question now is, how does Un-Locke expect to get off the island, even with Sawyer’s help?

What did you think of the episode?

Edit: Forgot the very first thing I was going to post: Did you notice how Helen said something to Locke about having his father come to the wedding? Sure surprised me to hear that!