LOST – Follow The Leader

Spoilers ahead

Ha! What a difference a few hours make. In my previous post, I wrote that I thought the bomb was in the shadow of the statue… well, THAT was proven wrong tonight.

I think we’re still pretty much on target for the rest of the theory though… They’re going to detonate the bomb, and that will result in the guys in the hatch taking anti-radiation vaccine, and wearing yellow jumpsuits for a long, long time.

OK, getting back to tonight’s episode:

Richard said he saw all Jin, Kate, Hurley, Jack and Sawyer die… I’m pretty sure that he THINKS he saw them die, probably a result of the H-Bomb blast, but I think it’s a lot more likely they’ll vanish from that part of the timeline, which will only look like they died in the blast. As to where they end up – I think it’s likely they’ll end up in the distant past. I only say that because of the statue. It’s going to be one of the 815ers. Which one, not sure.

I’m going into pure theory here, but I do that a lot, so here goes:

I think Locke is in for a HUGE surprise when he goes to see Jacob. First off, I think Locke is dead – dead as in Christian Shepard dead. He just doesn’t know he’s dead. His misguided mission to go to try and kill Jacob is going to fail because of this.

Furthermore, I think it’s likely that Jacob is being held in a sort of “in between” state – “in between” meaning, not in this time, but not in his own time either. John is probably not going to like when he finally meets Jacob – either he’ll release Jacob, or Jacob will be the one to tell John he’s dead – maybe both.

There’s probably a good reason Jacob is in that state. In fact, it’s possible he’s in a prison of sorts; that white powder around the cabin (remember that from last season?) might be some sort of ward that keeps Jacob locked up. He might be a reluctant advisor to The Others, and once freed… well, that won’t be good for anyone.

Ben mentioned that Richard Alpert has been around a long time. A looooong time. I’ve seen speculation around that Richard Alpert might be who the Egyptians considered to be the god Ra. (Richard Alpert’s initials = R.A… Ra….) I’m not sure THAT’s true, but I do believe he’s Egyptian.

The questions remain… What is the island? What are The Others doing there on the island? Why is Jacob imprisoned? What does John hope to accomplish by killing Jacob?

I think we’ll get some answers next week, along with a good look at that statue, but the rest is going to be left for the final season.

Next week is a TWO HOUR Season Finale…. I’m looking forward to it!

So, what did you think of tonight’s episode?

LOST Theories – What Is In The Shadow Of The Statue and The Incident

Spoilers ahead
One of the questions this season has been “What is In the Shadow of The Statue?”. I think it’s pretty clear that the thing they’re talking about is the H-Bomb, Jughead. I also think that’s what caused “The Incident”. That H-Bomb is going to go off.

That would explain two other long standing questions: What’s that medicine that Desmond was taking while he was in the hatch, and why were they wearing those yellow suits? That medicine is to prevent radiation sickness, and the yellow suits are to protect them from radiation fall-out.

LOST – The Variable

Spoilers ahead
Well, things are definitely moving faster than before, but not in entirely satisfying ways. Sorry to see that Daniel got shot and appears to have died.

In the episode, young Daniel was playing the piano and was interrupted by his mother. She was visibly upset, and I could tell that she’d gotten some bad news. From that point in the story on, I knew Daniel was going to end up a goner. They pretty much telegraphed it in his “anyone of us could die” speech to Jack.

I think the big question about that is, how did his mother know this was going to happen? In fact, how did she know what she did know?

I think it’s because she was visited by Daniel – ala the way Charlie visited Hurley or Christian visited Jack. Daniel, for some reason, visited her and convinced her to make the younger version of himself a scientist and send him to the island. Why? No idea.

Another question about Mrs. Hawking is: If she knew what was going to happen in the future, all this time, why did she say she didn’t know what was going to happen? I think she said something, “For the first time, in a very long time, I don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

If Daniel had been feeding her information about what was going to happen, if he stopped visiting her, she wouldn’t know what happened next. Maybe he finally quit visiting her right before she went to apologize to Penny.

The biggest revelation was the Charles Widmore was Daniel’s father. I think people long suspected that relationship once they saw that Eloise and Charles had both previously been on the island.

Note too that Daniel planted the idea about using the hydrogen bomb to prevent The Swan from being constructed. It appears from the preview for next week that Jack is going to go through with this plan. In the posting before I made this one, I proposed that the bomb would be detonated in the finale. I didn’t really think it would be Jack that set the thing off; I’d been thinking it would be Ben.

I don’t think this will be the last we’ll see of Daniel. I sure hope not.

What did you think of tonight’s show?

A Guess About The LOST Season Finale

I’ve been thinking what they could do for the LOST Season Finale that would make people’s jaws drop and leave them wondering what could happen next.

Right now I’m thinking that they might actually set off the nuclear weapon.

No insider info, and frankly I hope they DON’T do that, because… well, I mean, what the heck do you do after that??

Do any of you have any guesses as the end of the season approaches?

LOST – Some Like It Hoth

Thoughts about tonight’s episode:

First off, this theory about Miles being Pierre Chang’s son was right on the mark.

Why are does Chang and the rest of the Dharma leadership find it important to hide that body? Why act like it doesn’t exist? Just to prevent panic among the Dharma folks?

So, we saw the numbers being put on the hatch. The crew called it a serial number… was it only that? Is this whole number thing destined to be one of the mysteries of the show that will never be solved?

Speaking of mysteries: “Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?” is LOST’s “Save the cheerleader, Save the World”. My guess? The Others are protecting a portal to the afterlife.

So, what did you think about Mile’s brief kidnapping? Yeah, I know Ben was probably behind it. I’m not sure the story line has room for a fourth group of “Others” wanting their way on the island.

Fourth? Didn’t I mean third? Nope, Ben’s group, Charles’ group, and … Richard Alpert’s group. I think those are the three that are trying to get the power on the island. Ben and Charles might be at each other’s throats, but I think it’s Richard Alpert who is pulling the strings.

And the theory about who really put that plane in the ocean has been put to rest – the winner is: Charles Widmore. He paid to have graves dug up, and an old plane sunk in the ocean, just to cover things up so that no one would keep looking for that plane.

How random is that $1.6 million that Miles was offered to go to the island? Why $1.6 million? That $3.2 million figure that Miles wanted from Ben seems to only turn out to be double the number Charles offered. I’m a bit disappointed by that revelation.

Things are rapidly spinning out of control now that Sawyer hit Phil. That, combined with Roger’s suspicions of Kate are going to bring things to a head.

Oh, and if you didn’t realize it before then “Hoth” is the ice planet in Empire Strikes back.

Favorite parts:

Hurley writing “Empire Strikes Back” and the “Let’s face it, Ewoks suck, dude” line.

Lost “Special” next week, and all new LOST in two weeks!

What did you think of tonight’s episode?

LOST – Dead is Dead

Spoilers ahead

First, looks like I was wrong on both counts. Doh! Ah, well…. such are theories.

The show just ended, and here are some random thoughts:

– After all this time of living with it, The Others don’t have a name for that monster. Even more interesting is where it seems to live – inside the basement of the temple. Sure looks like no one has been down there in some time.

– It was interesting to see Ben working Caesar to try and get Locke taken care of. Caesar sure didn’t last long either. That shotgun blast was quite a surprise.

– That warning that Ben gave Danielle – “If you want your child to live, every time you hear whispers, run the other way.” That seems weird. Why should she run, if The Others took Alex?

– I don’t believe for a second Ben’s “reason” for killing Locke – that Locke needed to die to get everyone back to the island.

– I think the name “Jacob” was invoked more times in this episode than in any other episode.

– Did you see Ben’s reaction to Christian being on the island? I think Ben knows Christian. Recall that we weren’t quite sure how Christian died. I think Ben might have killed him.

– The question “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” is going to be the question on everyone’s lips for the next… well, until we see what lies in the shadow of statue.

– Alex, or whatever looks like Alex, sure wanted to make sure that Ben followed Locke. I think we might have just seen the threat of what ends up getting Ben killed at the end of the series. And did you see the look on Ben’s face when she told him that he had to follow Locke? He sure was surprised about that.

I think there are four factions on the island in the present day: 1) The Others, 2) The crash survivors, 3) Locke, Sun and Ben, and 4) The spirits that keep coming around (like Alex).

Remember what Ben said to Sun about Locke? That he’d never seen anyone brought back from the dead by the island? If that’s true, I believe Ben knows those other people really are spirits.

Question is, what’s their agenda? They’re not part of The Others. Do they work for Jacob, as Christian suggested when he first met Locke?

I have a feeling that whatever they’re up to, it’s not good. As in, if they get their way, it’s going to be big trouble for the world.

What did you think of the episode?

Reactions to LOST – “Whatever happened, happened”

Spoilers ahead

Just finished watching the show. Here are my reactions to what happened:

First off… my “pre-show” prediction score: 1 out of 3. Sawyer did want Kate to make sure Clementine was OK.

When Cassidy asked Kate if she should wake up Clementine from her nap, my instant reaction was Clementine didn’t exist and Cassidy had lied to Sawyer. I was glad to see later that this wasn’t true.

I loved Hurley looking at his hand, waiting for something like “Back to the Future” to happen. I really liked the conversation between Hurley and Miles too. Miles’ explanation of how time works in the LOST universe was really great.

I really, really have to wonder what the heck Juliet hasn’t been saying about what The Others can do and what they are. Maybe she knew all along this was Ben’s destiny.

At one point during the show, I was pretty convinced the reason Kate went back was because Ben did something in the future to help Aaron, and if Ben died, Aaron couldn’t be saved. This turned out to be wrong, of course.

When Kate lost Aaron in the store, it sure was creepy to see that woman that was holding Aaron’s hand, wasn’t it? It looked like it could be a much, much older version of Claire. I’m sure this was done on purpose…. sure was creepy though. Makes me wonder why Aaron didn’t scream or anything… Has Claire been visiting Aaron a lot more than we know about?

Here’s a random thought: Remember how Claire was warned by the psychic that “Aaron must not be raised by another?” Maybe that warning should have been “Aaron must not be raised by an Other”….

The ending was great. I was pretty surprised to that we got to see where Richard took Ben, and glad they at least said why he wouldn’t remember anything that happened. Richard’s warning that, “He will always be one of us”. “One of Us” was the title of the 16th episode of Season 3.

Did you notice that one of Richard’s men mentioned Elly and Richard? Elly was the girl with the gun in “Jughead” earlier this year (and probably Daniel’s mother). Charles is Charles Widmore. I was surprised they were both still on the island, 20 (or so) years after their first appearance. This probably means that the power struggle between Ben and Charles started on the island itself.

I have to say, Hurley was great this episode, but they should have stopped before he got this “Ask Jack about time travel” (or whatever he said). Completely unnecessary, just like the “Nama-who?” comment in the previous show. It just makes him look stupid.

As for the previews for next week, sure looks like Ben is going to be judged by Smokey, probably right in that temple where Richard took him. Can’t wait!

What did you think of tonight’s show?

Theories Before Tonight’s LOST: “Whatever happened, happened”

Tonight’s episode, “Whatever happened, happened” is supposed to be Kate-centric, so it looks like we might to find out a few things we’ve been wondering about: 1) What did Sawyer tell Kate before he jumped out of the helicopter last season? 2) What happened to Aaron? 3) Why did Kate decide to go back to the island?

We’re in wild guess territory here, so here are my theories.

1) What did Sawyer tell Kate before he jumped out of the helicopter last season?

I think Sawyer realized that he probably wasn’t going to ever get off the island, so he wanted to make sure that one person was going to be OK: His daughter, Clementine. I think Sawyer told Kate to go and make sure that Clementine was OK, and the trust fund was intact.

2) What happened to Aaron?

I think this ties in with theory #1. At the point Kate gave up Aaron, she was sure that someone wanted to take her away and at the very least that Ben and/or Widmore might be after him. There are a lot of theories that Kate gave Aaron back to Claire’s mom, but I don’t like that theory. Aaron would be easy to find with her.

Who better than Clementine’s mom, Cassidy? When Kate goes to visit Clementine, it should take about 1 nanosecond for her to realize that the guy who conned Cassidy was Sawyer. She’s probably one of the few people Kate feels that she can trust, merely because of her association with Sawyer. (*I* wouldn’t trust Cassidy, but who else does Kate have? Her father?) I think Cassidy has Aaron.

3) Why did Kate go back?

Easy. For Sawyer.

On to other guesses for tonight:

Ben’s not dead. They’ve got a zillion doctors running around, playing mechanic, janitor, and otherwise.

Daniel’s finally going to make an appearance, and he’s really going to freak out Dr. Pierre Cheng about his tales of the future. Cheng’s son is Miles, I’d wager.

A lot of people have guessed that Jughead was the reason Dharma built The Swan. I disagree. If they’d known about Jughead, that would have been one of the first stations they built. The would have a lot of people working on it too. The Swan was built to keep the island hidden, just like it was doing before the hatch blew up.

What do you think is going to happen tonight?

LOST – “He’s Our You” – Recap and Theories

As usual, spoilers ahead

A Sayid-centric episode, which we haven’t had yet this season. The last one we saw when he had become a hired gun for Ben. I expected that this would be Sayid’s last episode, not so much because of what happened during this episode… more of the way they did all the previews.

It might sound a little backward, but usually in a show when they make a big deal about something, it usually doesn’t end up happening, at least not the way they planned. When they had that vote, I was pretty convinced Sayid wasn’t going to die tonight.

I do think it was pretty predictable that Sayid was going to shoot Ben. The big question: Is Ben really dead now? For quite a while now, we’ve had “they can’t change the past” has been beat into our heads, so the obvious answer would be no.

But my theory? He really is dead. The Others are going to do something to bring him back.

Random thoughts on tonight’s show:

– So THAT’S where Larry (of Larry, Darryl and Darryl
fame) has been all this time – He’s on the island!

– Ben was the one that sent that flaming car into the building… surprising for a 12-year old (if he’s really is as old as Sayid said)

– Did they have hand-held tasers back in 1977? Yep. There are some pages out there that said it was created in 1988, but it was created back in the 1970s, by Jack Cover.

– I thought that Ilana was working for Widmore, but it turns out she was working for the family of Peter Avalino, the guy that Sayid shot on the golf course.

– That call to Ann Arbor? That was to talk to the DeGroots, I’d wager.

– Ben heard Sayid talking to Jin. That’s bad news, if Ben really does come back.

– Where in the world is Sayid headed now?

And it looks like people are starting to put two and two together, at least from the previews of next week. Jack and a few others are under house arrest. Probably about time too, since people should be a little suspicious by now. Think about it: 1) Juliet, a garage mechanic for Dharma, ends up delivering a baby; 2) Kate has a mixup with her manifest, only to have Juliet come to the rescue; 3) Phil, even if he is as dim-witted as Sawyer says, should be a bit weirded-out that Jack wanted to talk to “LaFleur” on the first day he came to the island.

I really think the whole story starts to fall apart with #1 above, and if Horace thinks about it, it should be clear…. UNLESS Dharma reassigns people to completely new jobs. I’d say that would be a pretty weird thing to do, so I’m going with the theory that Horace will start putting 2 and 2 together pretty soon.

What did you think of tonight’s episode?