Michael Is Glad To Be Back On LOST

Harold Perrineau, who plays Michael on LOST, took a brief hiatus from LOST, but is glad to be back:

Nausea aside, the actor is relieved to once again be part of the Lost crew. His character, Michael, hadn’t been seen or heard from since motoring off the island in the Others’ boat with son Walt at the end of season two, leaving fans to wonder what the holy smoke monster had happened to them.

“It was time to come back,” Perrineau says. “Even if Michael was going to die, I [wanted] him to finish, as opposed to just disappearing.”

Question is, how long will Michael stay alive?

Lost Theories: Did Jacob Really Give The Order?

My friend John and I were talking about last night’s episode (Cabin Fever), and he brought up a really good point: What if Christian ISN’T talking on Jacob’s behalf?

There were two things that really bothered me about that scene. The first was Claire’s sly smile while she was in the cabin with Christian and Locke. It seemed like the type of smile you’d see on someone that was happy they conned someone into something.

The other thing that bothered me was the Christian told Locke not to tell anyone about seeing Claire. Why not?

One of the things that John brought up was Locke didn’t tell Hurley and Ben that he didn’t speak directly with Jacob, but to Christian instead (and oh, by the way, Claire was there too).

What if there are forces on the island that both want John there (Alpert and Abbadon), but want him there for two different reasons? We’ve been operating under the assumption that The Others are just one big happy… well, ok, maybe not happy


We’ve been operating under the assumption that The Others just have one faction. What if there are two different factions? One that wants to help the island, and another that wants to undermine it? One that does good, another that does evil? Could the evil side have set things into motion that will undermine the good side?

All of this is obviously big-time speculation, but we like that sort of thing around here.

What do you think?

LOST Theories – There Are Two Flight 815s

On page 4 of the “Lost Recap: Finding the cabin” article of EW.com, Jeff Jensen puts forth the following:

Regardless, here’s the twist — the twist that could turn Locke into a mass murderer of sorts. As we saw at the end of the episode, Locke’s plan for saving the Island is moving the Island. Now, I have no idea how he intends to do that. But if I’m tracking correctly the weird science Lost has been laying down this season, I wonder if where we’re headed is a catastrophic gambit in which Locke will move the Island not only in space but also in time, which I’m guessing will cause some kind of massive retroactive course correction — or, rather, already has enacted a course correction. In fact, I wonder if the secret to many of the metaphysical mysteries of Lost is that all of the show’s drama is playing out against the backdrop of a timeline that’s in flux — where old history is giving way to new history as the consequences of Locke’s future Island-saving actions trickle down through time. And so that wreckage of Oceanic 815 at the bottom of the ocean? That isn’t a hoax — at least, not in the new timeline taking hold. That’s real. And it will be John the Quantum Ripper’s fault

He doesn’t spell out what the implications of Ocean 815 exactly are, but I’ll extrapolate a bit.

Remember that theory that I had that Ben or Widmore might have placed a fake Flight 815 down at the bottom of the ocean? Well, I’m beginning to think that neither of them did it. It might be the result of what’s about to happen to the island.

Locke said that they needed to move the island. If the island gets moved, what happens? Things where the island gets moved to get displaced. The Black Rock, for example, could have been displaced and popped into the middle of the jungle.

If the island somehow moved in the past, it has some big ramifications too. What happens if the island wasn’t there when Flight 815 flew by? It would continue on course for a while, and probably crash for lack of fuel.

I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

This is going to be one major course correction.

More on this later.

Lost: Jack’s “Illness” Is Not What It Seemed To Be – Part 2

Just to continue that last posting about Jack’s illness:

What if Juliet wasn’t taking something OUT of Jack, but was putting something IN to Jack? Drug Jack up, get him thinking he has appendicitis, and throw one of those Claire devices in there. I thought I’d just throw that out there as an additional possibility.

Oh, and that scar that isn’t there when Jack was in his towel? No scars when the island heals you.

LOST: Feedback on EW’s Recap of Something Nice Back Home

Jeff Jensen at EW.com has an excellent synopsis and analysis of Something Nice Back home which you should read.

A few things I’d like to respond to in that article:

We learned that shortly after Kate’s trial, Jack got over his aversion to Aaron (though it wasn’t explained how or why he was so anti-Aaron to begin with) and shacked up with the former fugitive.

I’ve said this in other postings, but I think it’s because Jack feels somewhat responsible for Claire. I don’t have any evidence of this, other than his need to save people.

Sealing the deal was his mounting paranoia that Kate was pulling a Sarah and stepping out on him. And as it turned out, Kate did have another man on her mind: Apparently, she had been secretly fulfilling a promise she made to Sawyer before leaving the Island. (My guess: The shaggy con man asked her to look in on Clementine, the daughter he had with con gal Cassidy.)

I posted this earlier, and I can’t figure out who else he would want Kate to check on… I’m still not completely sold.

The headline of Jack’s newspaper read, ”Yankees bludgeon Red Sox in series sweep.” The Yankees swept a series with the Red Sox late in the 2006 season (a historic five-game wipeout) and the 2007 season (a traditional three-game set). If you pause the picture (on a high-def DVR), you can make out the score 5-0, which is how the 2007 series ended. So I’m going to call it: Jack’s flash-forward took place in late summer of 2007.

This is an excellent catch. It also puts to rest the “Aaron aged quickly” theories.

But this thought occurred to me last night as I tried to make sense of Miles’ fixation with Claire: What if she actually didn’t survive the obliteration of her home in last week’s episode? What if she died? What if the Claire we’ve seen since then is some kind of spectral but physically tangible manifestation of Claire generated by Island magic, just like Eko’s brother Yemi, Kate’s horse, and now, apparently, Christian? Could that be why Miles is so intrigued by her — because he can sense that she’s no longer human?

This could well be true, but wouldn’t Mile’s reaction to Christian and Claire been a lot different than what we saw? I mean, we saw how he reacted to finding Carle and Danielle. Wouldn’t he have had a similar reaction to Claire in the first place? Or at least be a little startled?

As for Charlotte’s Korean, the crazy thought occurred to me that perhaps this Dharma-hunting anthropologist uses it to converse with one of her secret masters, someone I suspect has more to do with the larger Lost mythology than we’ve been led to believe — Sun’s father, Mr. Paik.

This is a nice tie-in with the “sins of the fathers corrected by the children” theory. I bet this is right.

Lost: The Shape of Things To Come

There was so much happening in this episode, it’s crazy.

Let’s see.. the random weirdness for tonight’s episode was:

The ship’s doctor died, but the people on the ship say he’s OK.

Ben has the ability to travel off the island using the same, or similar, method that got the polar bears off the island.

Ben wanted Locke to survive that ambush so they could go to Jacob together.

Ben had to ask the year when he finally made it to civilization, so the travel method he uses isn’t completely accurate. The date was Oct. 24, 2005.

For some reason, Nadia died. I don’t think she was the intended target. I think the target was Sayid. If that’s true, then the rest of the Oceanic 6 could be in trouble. Is the reason they’re not talking that Widmore has threatened them?

I was surprised that Alex died. That appears to be one of the reasons that Ben is going after people.

Ben’s secret panel with a room behind it has ANOTHER secret panel in it, leading to … Well, at first I thought it was Jacob, but it wasn’t him. Wonder what he did?

Ben smiled after Sayid volunteered to go after people for Ben. I think a lot of people, myself included, thought Sayid was doing this to help people stuck on the island.

Ben’s reaction to Alex’s death, “He changed the rules”. We found out later he meant Widmore, not Jacob.

Bernard knows Morse code, and Faraday finally admitted that they had no intention of taking anyone off the island.

Ben can’t kill Widmore??

Penny’s in trouble. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when Ben tries to go after her, or if he tries to get Sayid to go after her.

That “He changed the rules” comment got me thinking. Did Widmore and Ben have some kind of uneasy truce? Widmore’s comments like “All you have you have from me”, MUST mean that he in some way financed either The Others or Dharma at some point. They must have had some kind of agreement that no one in either of their families would get hurt, in case it came to that.

All in all, a surprising episode in many ways.

What did you think of it?

LOST Theory: Protecting the Island Through Time Travel

Lost logo
LOST starts again tonight! Can’t wait!

…But we do have to wait a bit, so here’s a short theory to think about before the show tonight.

We saw that the island has the ability to prevent things from happening. Michael’s gun jammed, and he couldn’t kill himself, just as Tom said. It stands to reason that’s not it’s only power. What if it set plans into motion so that Oceanic Air 815 fell out of the sky on purpose?

How would it, or anyone, do such a thing? We’ve seen that Desmond can travel back into his own body and change things in the past. We know that Ms. Hawking (the old woman who wouldn’t sell Desmond the ring) can do the same thing. It seems highly unlikely that they’re the only people that can do that.

Whether it’s the island’s properties that make this possible or it’s amplifying some people’s ability to control magnetism (which is what I believe Walt was doing) to do this, I’m not sure. I do think that Ben knows how this works, and that the Dharma Initiative was close to figuring this out (and might well have, setting Widmore on the path to find out more about the island).

I believe The Others have been doing this for a long time, trying to make things “right”. Just a nudge, here and there when possible.

If the people on the island had this ability, and they were under attack in the future, how could they set things into motion to get help? They’d use their abilities to travel back to their “earlier selves” to find the people they needed to help them. With the right guidance, they could engineer circumstances that caused those people to get on Oceanic 815, and get them onto the island so that when the time came, they could help defend against the attack.

The ability to travel back and influence events is the key for why Widmore (and possibly others) want Ben in the first place. Widmore thinks that control like that would let him rule the world… At least he thinks that. I think the Island has other ideas about that.

LOST Conference Call Details

Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune has an excellent write-up of the lost conference call held yesterday by executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. She’s broken everything up into “not spoilery”, “mild-to-medium” spoilers and “Heavy Duty Spoilers”.

A couple of “not spoilery” topics:

No LOST spinoffs planned.

There are 34 episodes left after this season is over.

and this interesting tidbit:

On what books “Lost” fans should be reading to prepare for the next two seasons: “Continue reading the Bible,” Cuse said.

For more spoilers, check out the article.

Survivor: I Promise…

Spoilers Ahead
A couple of rules of Survivor –

  1. If you go on a reward, don’t talk about the reward

  2. Never Trust a Deal Made During a Challenge

  3. Don’t Purposely Tick Off Your tribe mates

  4. Never Get Comfortable

All four of these rules were broken on tonight’s Survivor.

Ozzy talking about how great the challenge reward was didn’t win him any friends. I’m not sure if that helped end up leading to his downfall, but it couldn’t have helped.

What was Jason thinking? Getting a “guarantee” from your opponents during a challenge is no guarantee of any kind. Yau-Man can tell you that in great detail.

James making a lot of noise in the morning before an immunity challenge wasn’t smart to do either. Things like that add up.

Ozzy got comfortable, and didn’t work hard enough to make sure that he really was safe. That’s why he ended up getting voted up, much to his surprise, and to the surprise of his supporters. I think it’s one of the biggest blindsides Survivor has seen.

I have to say, Cirie is playing an excellent game. She’s engineered at getting at least three people getting voted off, and without people really stopping to realize she’s the one behind it. Parvati will probably take the biggest hit for Ozzie’s departure.

Should be interesting to see what happens next.

What did you think of tonight’s show?

Hell’s Kitchen Episode 3

You know, I like Gordon Ramsay. Not for his antics on Hell’s Kitchen, which are pretty much way over the top, but because of the BBC version of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. He’s tough, but he cares about helping people out of tough spots.

If you missed the show, you can watch it before reading further.

So, say what you want about the guy, but some of Gordon’s soft touch came through last night when Jason had a meltdown trying to remember the menu. Gordon actually talked him back into the dinner service, but Jason still blew it in the end.

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like there are only about four people on that show that even come close to making it to the end. The rest of them don’t look like they’re going to make it.